Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Rupert Darwall: Playing politics with weather [link]  …
Bjorn Lomborg: The alarming thing about climate alarmism [link]  …
UK Decarbonisation Plan In Crisis As Hinkley Point Is Stalled By Costs [link]
Support for climate policy and societal action are linked to perceptions about scientific agreement: [link]  …
Green consumerism diverts attention from political arenas that matter [link]
Death rate rises as cold snap grips UK [link]
Valuation of Distributed Solar: A Qualitative View [link]  …
Can EPA’s climate plan work without a national transmission plan? [link]
Cow power – literally [link]
Climate Audit: A must read analysis by Nic Lewis about the Marotzke/Forster Nature paper of last week; paper’s results are flawed: [link]
Are Some Scientists Overstating Predictions? Or How Good are Crystal Balls? [link]
MIT Prof. Paul O’Gorman: Global warming won’t prevent massive snowstorms [link]
New paper finds an Arctic glacier is much larger today than during most of the Holocene [link]
Study finds that post 1950 global warming was due to anthropogenic CFCs . . . . now in sharp decline. [link]
The suppression of free speech on university campuses is reaching epidemic levels [link]
Cowtan and Way compare their analysis of 2014 global temperature with NASA, NOAA and the UK Met Office/CRU [link]
Climate wars
Good article: Is focusing on a 97% consensus really the best way to end bickering over #climate? [link]
David Rose: Climate of hate: what happens when you raise questions about climate science and policy [link]  …
Andrew Weaver, Canadian Climate Scientist, Wins Defamation Suit Against National Post [link]  Court brief [link]
Good essay: “Yes, I’m a climate change believer, but I will be siding with the deniers” [link]
HotWhopper: Calling scientists frauds and fakers just pisses them off [link]
Chris Mooney: New research suggests climate ‘skeptics’ and believers really, really don’t like each other [link]
Science of Doom: ‘ The Holocaust, Climate Science and Proof’ [link]
Bob Ward:  MichaelEMann battling for justice against MarkSteyn [link]Filed under: Week in review
