Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week

On the climatic impact of small volcanoes:  Daily Mail and Carbon Brief
Some astonishing statistical nonsense about global warming [link]
5 reasons why low oil prices are good for the environment [link]
NYTimes: Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says [link]
Nature: Ocean ‘calamities’ oversold, say researchers – more scepticism needed in marine research  [link]
New book:  Climate Change: The Facts, with chapters written by well known skeptics. [link]
‘Green’ biomass boilers may waste billions in public money  [link]
Saudi Arabia has “jumped to be the first to start the race to the end of the age of hydrocarbons.” [link]
Tom Fuller:  Pseudoscience in the service of policy [link]
Economist: Oil price plunge provides once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix bad energy policies [link]Filed under: Week in review
