Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Communicating climate change and the scientific delusional disorder [link]
Rupert Darwall: Climate alarmists warm it up [link]
Spiegel Dumps Cold Water On “Record Warm Year” Significance … Sees Science Fraught With Widespread Uncertainty…[link]
Converts to scepticism [link]
The tea party is pushing for solar power in Florida [link]
War, climate change and the catastrophe in the 17th century [link]
Meteorological basis for more colds in winter? Cold viruses replicate better at cooler temperatures [link]
Indian Science Congress: 2 of 3 scientists “felt fears of man-made global warming were greatly exaggerated” [link]
10 Energy Breakthroughs of 2014 That Could Change Your Life [link]
Does the #Climate Change Debate Come Down to “Trust Me” versus “Show Me”?   [link]
“97% of Climate Scientists Agree” is 100% Wrong [link]
Flawed logic, history and math of Naomi Oreskes on climate: [link]
“in some parts of the world regional sea level changes can be the opposite of global changes” [link]
Five awkward moments in celebrity #climate activism (and why we might not need them). [link]
The US and Florida Intense Hurricane Drought, Continued [link]
Type I and Type II Error Avoidance and its Possible Role in the Climate Change Debate [link]
Investors seeking action on greenhouse gas emissions are divided over the strategy of divestment from fossil fuels: [link]
Fear, loathing and global warming [link]
The most important skill in science is noticing the unexpected. Fight confirmation bias! [link]
Recent summer Arctic atmospheric circulation anomalies in historical perspective [link]
Mann’s latest anti-skeptic rant [link]
Richard Telford discusses the ocean pH measurement problem: [link]
Cass Sunstein:  Indignation, outrage, and moral intuitions.[link]
What to make of Judith Curry (!) [link]
Excellent piece on energy abundance vs. “carbon diet” as approach to climate: [link]
Annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society [link].  I am not attending this year.  Fabius Maximus posts on some sessions on the warming pause [link].Filed under: Week in review
