Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

UNFCCC deliberations in Lima
Mat Nisbet: Talking climate change in Lima: who is pushing for what [link]
Peru climate change talks slowed by clashes of rich and poor nations [link]
5 Key Takeaways From UN climate talks in Lima http://buff.ly/1A2blA5
Lima climate summit extended as poor countries demand more money from rich [link]
India is leader for keeping old order in international climate talks [link]
Here’s text of John Kerry’s speech in Lima. [link]
Two degrees: The history of #climate change’s ‘speed limit’ [link]  … and how it is going to be modified [link]
In the mean time, some in-country realities:
#India says its #CarbonEmissions will grow as it drives to beat poverty. [link]
China has plans to ramp up clean energy by 2030. But it’d still be using a ton of coal and gas [link]
“Energiewende” Takes Massive Blow…Top Green Proponent Concedes: “Blunder With Ugly Consequences”! [link]
Outsourcing Pollution: Fuel exports soar under Obama [link]
Interesting news on possible new climate law in India. But will it include new targets or simply repackage existing? [link]
Obama Harvard Law Professor Tribe Calls EPA carbon rule ‘a remarkable example of executive overreach’ [link]
State of the climate wars.
Scientists’ public letter says critics of #climatechange should be called deniers not ‘Skeptics’  [link]
Intellectuals should heal, not fuel toxic climate debate. Good essay by Tom Harris [link]
A remarkable comment at Real Climate  [link]
Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine:  How concerned should we be about climate change? Judith Curry and Kim Cobb share differing opinions  [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
