Week in review

by Judith Curry
Some things that caught my eye this past week.

Raymond Pierrehumbert responds to Stephen Koonin’s WSJ essay;  thinks “climate science is settled enough” and  thinks Koonin’s argument in @WSJ stems from surfing willfully ignorant skeptic’s blogs   [link]
In cause you are dying to find out how my exchange with Greg Laden turned out, over the favorited Mark Steyn tweet, see this synthesis by twitchy. The best tweet from my perspective was Euphonius Bugnuts: Well, you gotta admit, Greg’s attribution logic for you being a denier is tighter than IPCC’s for AGW.
Dinner at Nic’s.  Nic Lewis hosted a dinner for skeptics and climate scientists, that made the Guardian.  Tamsin defends her host in the comments:  “Nic Lewis is quite literally a gentleman and a scholar”.  Both scientists and skeptics in the UK seem much more civil than in the US.
Let’s not Reinvent the Flat Tire – smart, adaptive thinking from the World Bank  [link]
California drought – linked to human-caused climate change? [link]
Politics isn’t just about manipulating people, its about learning from them – a review of Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind  [link]
New York Magazine: How to convince conservatives on climate change [link]
How biased are scientists? Great post by @jonmbutterworth on Bayes and belief [link]
Antarctic sea-ice hits new high as scientists puzzle over the cause [link]
How the #oil and #gas boom is changing America – really great interview with Michael Levi [link]
Not just a problem for alligators – Climate Change Could Alter the Human Male-Female Ratio [link]
Bigger surge than Sandy – The freak 1821 hurricane,why it should worry coastal residents [link]
James Annan responds to Lewis/Curry paper: Why not try the Lewis/Curry climate sensitivity method on a GCM? [link]
Talking sense about climate in India [link]
Chip Knappenberger tweets:  Cargo Ship Makes 1st-Ever Solo Trip Through NW Passage [link] “Thru fuel savings,GHG emissions reduced by 1,300 tons ” Hmmm.
The PAGES2k group rediscovers the medieval warm period.  ClimateAudit
Nassim Taleb: My (civilized) debate with Sornette: diverging views of risks,but not on science/probability: [link]
China’s one-word anster to Obama’s climate plan [link]
Oliver Geden:  Now even the @guardian posts reflections on Plan B for int #climate policy [link]
JustinHGillis on attribution of climate & weather extremes (read past the headline) [link]  …
Joke of the week:
Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio led a Global Warming awareness march. You’d think he’d be ok with fewer icebergs.
 Filed under: Week in review
