Week in review

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

John Holdren to testify in Hearing on President’s Climate Action Plan: Failure by Design [link]
Overly Honest Social Science? The value of acknowledging bias, subjectivity and the messiness of research http://bit.ly/16C1P9M
Very nice analysis of 3 distinct “public intellectual” groups & their positions on climate policy by @MCNisbet [link]
John Nielsen-Gammon interview with Kirk Englehardt on science communications. [link]
Science: It’s ok to feel stupid [link]
@curryja will speak on the State of the #Climate Debate, hosted by @Marshall_Instit on 09/16/2014. For details: [link]
Andrew Montford: Fraud, bias & public relations: The 97% ‘consensus’ and it’s critics [link]
Dr. Kendrick piece on adding ad hoc hypotheses to explain failures of favorite hypotheses. http://mead.es/1pEhPOj
Matt Ridley: Whatever happened to global warming? @JeffDSachs’s critique of my piece shown to be badly misleading. [link]
Lawrence Solomon: How global warming policies have led to global insecurity http://bit.ly/1qqPS1N
Global warming was worth it [link]
There Are Now 52 Explanations For The Pause In Global Warming [link]
Interesting piece on why negotiating a treaty to fix the ozone layer was easier than getting a climate treaty: http://bit.ly/1pcW8oy
“Strategic use of science is fundamentally political” It’s a ‘tool of influence.’ http://ow.ly/B8ffq
Curry’s Credibility Crumbles [link]
Judith Curry Scores Own Goal in Climate Hockey [link]
Houston Climate Conference:  Unsettled science trending optimistically (from master resource) [link]
Last decade’s slow down in warming enhanced by unusual climate anomaly [link]
Interesting report on German #Energiewende in context of EU #energy policy, by K. Tews (from Oliver Geden) [link]
In lieu of a cartoon, watch Monty Python’s sketch The Argument.  Very a propos for Climate Etc. this past week, with Bose-Einstein condensate and the hockey stick.
 Filed under: Week in review
