Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

In the news
Good news for reefs: How corals could survive a warming planet. Corals evolved with CO2 levels 18X higher than present [link]
Sea temperatures have cooled since Pleistocene when CO2 levels ~same as today [link]
Giant earthquakes are shaking Greenland – and scientists just figured out the disturbing reason why [link]
New paper finds “Modern solar maximum forced late 20th century Greenland cooling” [link]
Weak El Niños and La Niñas Come and Go from NOAA’s Oceanic NINO Index (ONI) with Each SST data set revision [link]
Solar minimum could bring cold winters to Europe and US, but would not hold off climate change: [link]
Massive nitrous oxide emissions from the tropical South Pacific Ocean [link]
New results show unambiguously that the Antarctic changes happen after the rapid temperature changes in Greenland.  The researchers documented 18 abrupt climate events during the past 68,000 years [link]
Scientists call for rethink in way we seek to understand how #ClimateChange affects extreme weather [link]
The Hubbard Glacier defies ‘climate change’ – continues to grow [link]
3000 year record of North Atlantic Oscillation from new cave study [link]
The Atlantic ‘conveyor belt’ and climate: 10 years of the RAPID project [link]
Ed Hawkins: Global temperature changes occur against a background of natural variability | Discussing Karl et al.: [link]
Oh Noes! Computer model says society will collapse by 2040 due to catastrophic food shortages [link]
About science
Very interesting example of a scientist advocating for policy: David Nutt’s keynote talk at Circling the Square on drug & alcohol policy now available in video format. [link]
This is interesting and entertaining: Who Let The Climatedogs Out? Unleashing Creative Climate Communication [link]   …
Why you should reconsider everything you thought you knew about evolution: [link]
Science assessments and research integrity: reconcilable or antagonistic? [link]
New publications
“On quantifying the climate of the nonautonomous Lorenz-63 model”, Chaos 25, 043103 (2015) [link]
Air temperature and death rates in the continental U.S. 1968–2013. Climate 2015; 3: 435-441. [link]
Consensus police
Do you recall in a previous week in review, when Greg Laden did a blog post on the fact that I ‘favorited’ a tweet written by Mark Steyn that criticized Mann?  If you are unfamiliar with twitter, clicking favorite on a tweet is essentially a bookmarking function, allowing you to go back and read the link later.
Well now Laden is criticizing the ‘fans’ of Revkin who comment at dot earth [link].
Revkin writes [link]: “Greg Laden, who writes a spirited global warming blog, published a rather biting critique of my approach to blogging and climate science a few days ago.”
” In an update, Laden doubles down, concluding that I am a “denialist.””
“[Greg] Laden labels me a “denialist” by implying that I question both the reality of greenhouse-driven climate change and its severity…”
Greg Laden post: Mark Steyn’s Newest Attack On Michael Mann And The Hockey Stick [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
