Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.
 Missing heat and hiatus
Where’s the missing heat from #globalwarming hiatus? Try the Indian Ocean [link]
Nature: Hiatus in the stratosphere [link]   …
Latest from @RoyWSpencer: New Satellite Upper Troposphere Product: Still No Tropical’Hotspot’ [link]
The ‘warm blob’ of the Pacific explained by the scientist who coined the term [link]  …
Nature: Decadal modulation of global surface temperature by internal climate variability [link]
Larsen B: Massive Antarctic Ice Shelf Will Be Gone Within Years, NASA Says [link]
IPCC author: Antarctica’s abrupt glacial melting ‘greatly overestimated’ [link]  …
Polar vortex
“We are in the pre-consensus stage of a theory” linking the rapid warming of the Arctic and severe weather events [link]
Nature:  Stratospheric influence on tropospheric jet streams, storm tracks and surface weather [link]
Lancet: Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multi country observational study. Study reveals that cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather. [link]  Summary from Science Daily [link]
“NASA Research Suggests US Hurricane Drought Is Luck” [link]  …
NatureClimateChange study on heat waves, climate and population change reported by @dotearth: [link]
‘Resiliency to climate disasters closely linked to farms with increased levels of biodiversity’ [link] …
Lukewarmers, climate wars, etc.
This post by Ben Pile pretty much summarizes the news in this category for the past week: Lukewarmers, polarisation, consensus, memes and seepage

 Filed under: Week in review
