Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

“Arctic snow not darkening due to soot, dust” . Due instead to degraded satellite sensors. [link] …
Indonesian fires now on a par with Brazil’s total annual emissions [link]
Greenland interior thickens from more snow as periphery thins from more melt [link]
NASA:  Mass gains of Antarctic ice sheet greater than losses [link]
Ozone hole above Antarctic 3rd largest on record in 2015, over 30 day period. But no cause for alarm, says @WMOnews [link] …
Letter from Feynman on the importance of “trivial” problems in science. [link] …
This blog post rebuts @mattwridley’s  article on science funding (discussed last week) [link] …
Exxon Mobil refutes environmentalist claims it lied about climate change research [link]
Research on how to use CO2 as a raw material aims to reduce climate change [link]
Fascinating turn of events in NOAA (Karl et al.) v US House “science” committee. NOAA has refused to hand over scientists’ emails to Rep. Lamar Smith [link] …
Many posters/talks from last week’s CMIP5/CMIP6 workshop now available.  [link] …
New paper finds large differences between observational datasets and climate models on upward & downward solar flux & IR [link]  …
Stadium wave alert: Coastal sea ice in N. Pacific drives ocean circ. & climate [link]
Recent New York climate change: Warming is NOT due to (↑greenhouse gas radiation), but arises from increased SOLAR fluxes with ↓aerosols [link] …
New paper “reveals leads, lags, & drivers of” past 10,000 years natural climate variability “in great detail [link] …
German Climate Conference: Antarctica Temperatures Show No Warming Trend In 20th Century, models unable to reproduce [link] …
New paper. Climate change has made California drought less likely. [link] …
Study explains near annual monsoon oscillations generated by El Nino [link]  …
It may not be ‘ocean acidification’ killing coral after all – common chemical found in sunscreen is poisonous [link]
New paper by Xie: “Climate models suffer from long-standing biases including the double intertropical convergence zone ITCZ” [link]
Two degree Celsius warming locks in sea level rise for thousands of years — ScienceDaily [link]
El Niño Keeps Antarctic Sea Ice From Another Record Max  [link]
New paper finds climate model “trends of sea surface temperatures & air specific humidity are grossly overestimated” [link]
New paper finds “robust” natural ocean & atmospheric cycles lasting 2-5 years [link] …
Extreme solar storms could be more common than expected  [link]
Why and how to have students grapple with uncertainty [link] …
Academic writing: When plain English makes it obvious you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. [link] …
On how overvaluing prestige has turned universities into “freaks of aimless survival” [link] …
CATO event
On Friday I attended an event sponsored by CATO – Preparing for Paris: What to expect from the UN’s 2015 Climate Change Conference.
My ppt presentation is found [ Curry CATO Paris 1]
Mark Morano has an article with some highlights [link]
This was a very nice event, and I had the opportunity to meet several Denizens for the first time, and also Richard Tol and Chip Knappenberger.
 Filed under: Week in review
