Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

New paper shows Powerful Relationship Between Solar Activity And Antarctic Climate [link]…
Motivated reasoning example: Green consumers rate “organic” Oreos as having fewer calories [link] …
New paper:  The climate change consensus extends bend climate scientists [link]
New paper – Communicating climate change: conduit, content, consensus [link]
Very interesting new paper by Shawn Lovejoy  finds response of models “too weak” to solar & volcanic forcing over past Millennium [link]
Matt Ridley’s new book: The Evolution of Everything [link]
Record warm global oceans on track to cause a massive coral bleaching event, with Hawaii particularly at risk [link]
‘A social scientist, physicist, and the Pope walk into a bar. What happens next? … Special issue on the Pope in Nature Climate Change [link]
Science Mag:  Extreme events under climate change – “it’s not possible to say whether an individual event would have happened without climate change” [link]
On The Bright Side: Declining Deaths Due to Hot and Cold Temperatures in Hong Kong [link]
Nearly half of U.S. seafood supply is wasted, study shows  [link]
“The pharmaceutical industry and medicine has the potential to blow up scientific research—in a good way”  [link]
Climate variability shapes the rhythms of glacier retreat in Peru and Norway [link]
“global cooling caused a significant decline in the number of crocodilian species over millions of years” [link] …
Nature Climate Change special issue on the Pope’s encyclical [link]  …
The Carbon Brief Interview: IPCC Chair candidate Prof Nebojsa Nakicenovic [link]
“H2O has decreased by 5-10 % in lower stratosphere, but about a 10 % increase is observed in upper stratosphere…” [link]
Hurray for American University: unanimous support for free speech, against trigger warning mentality:  [link]
New study: 92% non-climate scientists share human-caused #Climatechange consensus [link]
Nature:  Climate policy – democracy is not an inconvenience [link]
MacArthur Foundation ponies up another $50M for warmists [link] …
As Himalayas glaciers melt, pollutants buried under seep into #Ganga and north Indian plains [link]
Must read: Bison roam again west of Chicago. [link]
How Modern Academia Stands in the Way of Advancing Evolutionary Psychology [link]
Paper: Solar signals (QBO) detected all the way down to extra-tropical troposphere [link]
“ENSO’s impacts on the northern winter stratosphere: competing effect of SST forcing in the tropical Indian Ocean” [link] …
New paper finds UHI contributes 34-43% of hot extremes in megacity Shanghai [link] …
The Republic of Blogs: A new phase in the development and democratization of knowledge [link]
Duke Researcher Resigns: Fed up with the inner workings of academia  [link]
New paper:precession angle &seasonality of climatic forcings important, even when studying annual mean climate change [link] …
Solow in Science:  Extreme weather, made by us? [link]Filed under: Week in review
