Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week

In the news
Underground Desert Aquifers Could Hold Missing Carbon [link]
On warmer earth, most of arctic may remove, not add, methane [link]  …
Climate change set to fuel more “monster” El Niños, scientists warn
Forecasting tournaments: what we learn when we start scoring forecasts accurately [link]
High emission rate of sulfuric acid from Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka [link]
Unsettling: The global warming hiatus reexamined [link]
Tamsin Edwards:  “Seeing Antarctica’s future more clearly.” [link]
New from Nature – China’s recent emissions substantially overestimated: [link]
As pharmaceuticals taint rivers and lakes, scientists seek solutions [link]
Must-read critique of Hansen et al sea-level paper by Peter Thorne: [link]
The IPCC gives us good news debunking all the horror stories about rising #methane levels in the atmosphere. [link]  …
More walruses on land is a sign of conservation success not climate catastrophe [link]  …
Scientists say about 1/5 of California’s drought is due to climate change. [link]
The world’s forests are in major trouble, scientists report [link]
Staircase to warming. Trenberth  argues in Science that  pause was not faux. [link]  …
New papers
Impact of Fram Strait ice export on recent Arctic sea ice decline [link]
Evidence that CO2 NOT currently highest in millions of years? CO2 “levels of up to ~425 ppm about 12,750 years ago” [link]
Oceans, volcanoes, & AGW: 1,800 years of global ocean cooling halted by global warming [link]
ENSO and greenhouse warming – This Review looks at the state of knowledge on the El Niño/Southern Oscillation [link]
Robust global ocean cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era [link]
New paper finds the Great Lakes water levels are linked to the natural North Atlantic Oscillation [link] …
‘Fragility of reconstructed temperature patterns over the Common Era: Implications for model evaluation [link]  …
New paper by Shaun Lovejoy: Harnessing the butterfly effect [link]
As Ice Age ended, GH gas rise lead factor melting Earth’s glaciers [link]
Special issue in Science magazine: Forest Health in a Changing World [link]
“waste heat emission from AC systems increases mean nighttime 2-m air temperature up to 1C in some urban locations,” [link]  ….
Synchronicity argument with stadium wave implications: New paper finds correlation between Wolf sunspot #s & temperatures at 818 weather stations N Hemisphere 1955-2010 [link]
About science
Good Read About Psych Behind Political Correctness [link]
Rise of the citizen scientist: @NatureNews looks at the concerns around the part amateurs can now play in research.  [link]
“I have to beware of personal bias in favor of complex self-interacting dark matter, because I so want it to be true.” [link]
Brian Wynne interviewed in the Scotsman: the Scottish ban of GM crops. [link]
538: Science Isn’t Broken. It’s just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for [link]
The University of Chicago’s new free speech statement. This nails it.[link]
 Filed under: Week in review
