Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

In the news
No study supports global warming affecting Himalayas [link]
Salmon face warming waters, changes to El Niño patterns in fight for survival –  [link] …
Too Hot in Washington: A Climate Mystery? [link]  Interesting read from @CatoMichaels, follow-on to:[link]
Sucking carbon from the sky doesn’t stop climate change [link]
Cyclone #komen, rain kills hundreds in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar; landslides kill dozens in Nepal + Pakistan [link]
New material could make electronics much more efficient, decrease losses from heat [link]
“The number of volcanoes erupting right now is greater than the 20th century’s YEARLY average”  [link]
The @NewYorker on @NatureClimate research on why thermostats being based on male metabolic rates matters [link]
Study finds fish can swim to deeper, colder waters if they need to [link]
Iceland is having its coldest summer since 1992[link]
New papers
Crucial ocean acidification models come up short [link]
Status of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers [link]
Water balance-based evapotranspiration reconstruction over USA [link]
New paper shows how peatland can act as either a carbon source or sink [link]
How can we better understand low river flows as climate changes? [link]
New paper finds “rapid-transgenerational adaptation” of corals to changes in temperature & pH [link]
New paper: “observed changes in subtropical stratocumulus clouds since the 1980s may be due to natural variability”  [link]
New paper finds “large” natural climate cycle of ~17 years in the North Atlantic [link]
New paper finds climate model predictions of crop pests are bogus [link]
Descent toward the Icehouse: Eocene sea surface cooling [link]
Synchronization of forest carbon losses from hurricanes, Amazon fires  [link]
New study calculates the speed of ice formation [link]
Cryospheric Mass Variations from GRACE, 2015 MSc thesis [link] Reduces errors in GRACE estimates of Greenland ice melting.
About science
Bioethics accused of doing more harm than good [link]
Achieving Escape Velocity: Breaking Free from the Impact Failure of Applied Philosophy [link]
How we broke the climate change debates. Lessons learned for the future. [link]
Feynman explains misuse of “Is consistent with” in economics. It applies equally well to climate science. [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
