Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

New paper finds 4 out of 8 Scandinavian glaciers increased in mass 1950-2010 [link]
New paper finds strong correlation between Wolf numbers of sunspots & temperatures at 818 weather stations 1855-2010 [link] …
Green lessons from gay marriage:  “they can assert their own identity through joyous hunts for climate deniers” [link]
Phil Klotzbach’s  latest blog on El Niño and its impact on Atlantic hurricanes. [link]
Tisk communication needs around the “world’s most dangerous volcano” Vesuvius. [link]  …
Drought stunts tree growth for four years [link]
Increase in Legionnaires’ Disease 2000-2009 blamed on climate change [link]  …
A model for the evolutionary dynamics of “thinking fast and slow”  [link]
A new paper by Cowtan et al. addresses model – surface temperature comparisons [link]  …
“Arctic ice loss brings extra snow in Siberia.” Arctic albedo decrease “could be recouped elsewhere” [link]  …
A Simple Climate-Solow Model for Introducing the Economics of Climate Change to Undergraduate Students [link]  …
New Paper: “Timing and climate forcing of volcanic eruptions for the past 2,500 years” [link]  …
Great news: Fears that El Niño would leave India without much-needed monsoon rains prove false. [link]
New paper: Does AMOC explain mystery of 41,000-year ice age cycle in the past? [link] …
New research trying to grasp the North American carbon cycle [link]  …
“The Precautionary Principle” revisited – Inexact Change [link]  …
Physican Journalists—Responsibly Meeting the Challenges of Accurate and Reliable Reporting [link]

Extremely intense hurricanes: revisiting Webster et al. (2005) 10 years on Journal of Climate [link]
How does the joint occurrence of rainfall and storm surge lead to compound flooding? [link]
The 97% consensus of climate scientists is 47%. [link]
“Carbon sink” detected underneath world’s deserts – [link]”It’s Not Climate Change — It’s Everything Change” | @MargaretAtwood considers its impacts [link]
“good science, blunt talk, and paradigm shifting ideas” @MichaelBTI on #PeterKareiva: [link]
New paper urges broader climate policy “Climate Relevant Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Policies” [link]  …
New Study Finds Long Term Solar Cycle And Predicts Global Cooling https://shar.es/1sOmMF
Testing Skeptical Science: is Roger Pielke Sr. a climate misinformer? [link]
The UN @IPCC_CH intentionally lied about Himalayan Glaciers. [link]
Why I’ve sometimes shied away from writing about uncertainty in vaccine science  [link]  …
A loss of trust in science, creating a vicious cycle that could undermine everything. [link]
#Media willingness 2 treat fringe #Climate activists as if they were unbiased representatives of mainstream discourse [link]  …
Rick Lewis introduces the topic of #science and #ethics in our current issue ‘Science and Morality’ [link]
Whence do numerical weather prediction errors arise? [link]  …
Interesting article based on semantic analysis of online media regarding climate change/global warming [link]  …
New paper “contradictory to prevailing view of global warming in which both cold & warm temperatures…increase” [link]  …
“Salon Mag. discusses using courts to punish ‘climate deniers’”
Who denies climate? [link]  …
“Analysing ocean mixing reveals climate insight ” [link]
“Green totalitarians try to ban free thought at a second university | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog”  [link]  …
Amazing images: 13 of the World’s Most Remarkable Rice Terraces: [link]  …
US vaccine researcher sentenced to prison for fraud [link]  …
“Research shows optimists can find solutions where pessimists do not.” [link] …
Protecting Patchy:”pressure & intimidation from some Teri employees..late-night visits to the home of panel members” [link]  …
Arctic sea ice showing great resiliency: [link]
Forests May Be Our Last Chance to Slow Climate Change: [link]
Former UN Climate Chief PK Pachauri Ousted, Blames “Climate Sceptics” For His Fall [link]  …
Cambridge professor Peter Wadhams insists three scientists have been ASSASSINATED [link] …
You Don’t Have To Be Venal, Weird And Creepy To Work In Climate Science. But It Certainly Helps [link]  …
Climate Change Threatens 50 Years of Global Health Gains, Says New Lancet Study – [link]
Australian academics & politicians going into another round of apoplexy on Lomborg-[link]

Nature: Speakers for IPCC tried to downplay the ‘pause’ & “this incoherence led to confusion” & condemnation by media [link]  …
Maintaining atmopheric and water balance within reanalysis [link]
JC note:  A busy (family) weekend; hence only 25% (relative to normal) of time spent on this post.  Apologies in advance for broken links, duplicates, etc.
 Filed under: Week in review
