Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

In the news
4 reasons the Atlantic hurricane season has been so quiet and is likely to stay that way: [link]
Total US catastrophe losses (weather-related and total) in 1st half of 2015 “far below” average says @MunichRe –>  [link]
A Chilling Update on the Ticking Seismic Bomb off the Pacific Northwest Coast” [link]
Men marry multiple wives to beat drought [link] cue claims that climate change will turn us all into bigamists
Met Office’s @markpmcc dispels those myths about Heathrow record high temp being untrustworthy [link]
Dr Roy Spencer: “New Pause-Busting Temperature Dataset Implies Only 1.5 C Climate Sensitivity” [link]
It’s July. Why on Earth Is There Still Snow in Boston? [link]
University of Reading finds climate change has helped end South Sahara droughts, [link]
“Physicists Predict Rapid Fall In Solar Activity” [link]  …
There is now also a raw data version of the @BerkeleyEarth land surface temperature dataset. [link]
New papers
Yet one more reason that warming oceans matter: scientists find surprising reason for faster Arctic meltdown [link]
Variations in mid-ocean ridge CO2 emissions driven by glacial cycles [link]
New paper: W Antarctic glacier “Ice mass loss (2003–2014) was approximately [10 times] smaller than between 1995–2003 [link] …
New paper finds trees absorb more solar radiation under cloudy skys vs. clear skys [link]
New paper finds models underestimated Earth’s evapotranspiration COOLING by 24% over 12 years. [link]
Sun’s activity controls Greenland temperatures [link]
Model performance re:US temps: “Trend rate in simulated data seriously overestimated. This result is unsatisfactory.” [link]  …
New paper:Biased thermohaline exchanges with the arctic across the Iceland-Faroe Ridge in ocean climate models [link]
New paper finds land-surface uncertainties important for prediction of 2003 Europe hot summer [link]
New paper: “After > decade of soil moisture deficit, tropical rainforest trees maintain photosynthetic capacity” [link] …
New paper:Vertical downward transport of anthropogenic carbon to deeper ocean could play leading role in carbon cycle [link]
“German Geologist: “Sea Level Rise Lagging Behind Projections” …No Detectable Acceleration!” [link]
“Dendroecology suggests that NOT everything is caused by climate change” [link]
About science
Hubert Lamb:  Ways of knowing climate. Climate model obsession”obscures past&present debates about which types of climate knowledge are important” [link]  …
Can public engagement stunt academic careers? [link]   …
 Filed under: Week in review
