Week in review – science and technology edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

PNAS:  Low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem with 100% penetration of intermittent wind, water and solar for all purposes [link]
Nature: Is the 2°C world a fantasy? [link]
VERY interesting: New paper finds length of day (LOD) is strongly correlated to Northern Hemisphere temperatures [link]
West Antarctica is losing ice. Watch glaciologist Robin Bell explain what’s changing & why: [link]
May I suggest another edit? :) Model spread is not uncertainty. http://variable-variability.blogspot.com/2015/09/model-spread-is-not-uncertainty-nwp.html
Roger Andrews has just utterly destroyed claims about Syria, drought and migrants. [link] …
On Thin Ice: Big Northern Lakes Are Being Rapidly Transformed by Rising Temps [link] …
A promising idea in complexity theory may help prevent migraines, financial collapses, climate catastrophes & more: [link]  …
“Paying for more wind and solar is less wise than paying for research into [new] technologies.” [link]
How should #China #decarbonise? Teng Fei, one of China’s foremost experts on climate and energy policy explains [link]
Groupthink | The Economist [link]
Stanford Scientists Design Underwater #Solar Cells That Turn Greenhouse Gases Into Fuel [link]
To what extent does government promote innovation? “Bill Gates On Climate Policy” [link]
How fast can we transition to a low-carbon energy system? [link] …Filed under: Week in review
