Week in review – politics and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Paris attacks could scramble upcoming #climate summit plans [link]  …
At Paris, the United States Finally Has a Chance to Be a Climate Hero [link]
John Kerry: Paris climate deal will not be a legally binding treaty [link]
Paris climate deal must be legally binding, EU tells John Kerry [link]
Die Klimazwiebel: Paris: binding or non-binding? [link]  …
Bluffer’s guide to COP21 Paris climate talks: [link]  …
Only $10 billion so far for Green Climate Fund , when $100bn a year was promised. [link]   …
UNEP: Climate pledges an ‘historic step’ towards decarbonisation, but emissions gap remains [link]
Why Are INDC Studies Reaching Different Temperature Estimates? [link]
As we prepare for Paris #UNFCCC #climate talks, what’s changed since Copenhagen [link] …
The ‘deal to save the world’ is going out of this world… French astronaut to carry Paris climate deal in to space [link]  …
Is #Pakistan’s target-free #INDC the world’s worst #climate plan so far? [link] …
India Is Caught in a Climate Change Quandary [link] …
Analysis: China is building #coal plants it doesn’t need [link]
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita are falling for many major economies [link]
Here are the facts behind President Obama’s decision to reject the #KeystoneXL pipeline [link]
.@GinaEPA on Obama climate rules: “Legally, it’s very difficult to undo these.” [link] …
Worth reading on U.S. position in Paris climate talks [link]
What #KeystoneXL fight was really about. [link]  …
Misc policy
In praise of intellectual uncertainty: the benefits (?) of leaping to conclusions [link]
The key to political persuasion [link]
The Onion:  ‘Seek funding’ step added to scientific method [link]Filed under: Week in review
