Week in review – politics and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

The Pope
This has already been discussed somewhat on recent threads, here a few articles that caught my eye this a.m.
Richard Tol’s take [link]
Rupert Darwall’s take [link]
UK politics
Brendan Frasier:  Tories must seize the chance to rethink climate policy [link]
David Davies, a relatively new MP, is become a strong voice re climate change [link].  Haven’t had time yet, but some of his speeches are on youtube
US politics
Good summary of Rep. presidential candidates views on climate policy [link]
GOP readies assault on Obama’s climate agenda [link]  …
Climate change impacts
Carbon Brief:  Will rising temperatures mean more lives are saved than lost? [link]
CATO’s Comments on the USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment [link]   …
How can we make agriculture climate-smart? [link]
1/2 of World’s Hungry Are Farmers: How Cell Phones Can Help [link]
The Environmental Case for Industrial Agriculture: Small-scale Food System Enlarges Human Footprint [link]
Climate wars
Matt Ridley:  The climate wars damage to science [link]
Nature: Beware of climate neo-skepticism (calls out JC and Steve Koonin) [link]
Behind The Weather Channel’s Inventive Climate Change Campaign Aimed At Conservatives | ThinkProgress [link]  …
Science assessments and research integrity: reconcilable or antagonistic? [link]
Naomi Oreskes, a Lightning Rod in a Changing Climate [link]
National Review: “Today’s climate activists are actually trying to turn themselves into oppressed southern blacks from the 1950s.” [link]
JC comments
Week in review is a bit thin this week (too busy to keep up with the news), but there are some interesting articles here.  I look forward to input from the comments.
Having a great time in the UK, but rather too busy (am a bit exhausted), but the hospitality has been wonderful.
 Filed under: Week in review
