Week in review – policy and politics edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Palestine finds energy security through solar, but lacks voice at the UN [link]   …
Road to Paris: Japan to leave the hard work to others [link]
“[COP21] is not about environment. It is about economics,” says Brazil: [link]  …
Arctic nations to fight climate change despite Russia tensions [link]
Policy analyses
Building #Climate Resilience in Conflict-Affected States:the interlinked challenges of climate change, poverty and conflict[link]
#G7 report argues for new role for foreign policy community on #climatechange & fragility: [link]
The Breakthrough Institute: The Year of Our High-Energy Planet: [link]
Lomborg & Ridley – power to the people [link]
Tamsin Edwards on lukewarmers [link]
Cut pesticides to boost yields? It’s worked for millions of farmers in Asia and Africa [link]
Terrific story: Indigenous seed bank vital to recovery of Indian flood victims. [link]  …
Urban agriculture may not feed the world but here’s why its still important [link]
Raising Chicago – how the City of Chicago defeated flooding in the 1850s [link]
We know how to reduce earthquake deaths. So why aren’t we doing it? [link]Filed under: Week in review
