Week in review – energy, water and food edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

How women could benefit from fuel subsidy reform [link]
Wind energy and crony capitalism [link]
UK aims for 57% carbon cut but lacks policies to get there [link]
Bill Gates:  Fantastic research is going on to make batteries better and more affordable: [link]
Tidal energy may be ready to be commercialized. Are we making a mistake installing solar, wind? [link]
Fragile States, Deep Uncertainty and Energy Planning. [link]
Congress vs. the Zombie Coal Amendment. There’s no reason the military needs to ship coal from Pennsylvania to Germany. [link]
Extreme Oil Prices May Be Costly to the Climate [link]…
#Coal Isn’t Dying Because There’s a War on It -[link]
Climate change or not, power-starved India just can’t help burning more coal [link]
Energy-efficient homes: yes, we want them. But we haven’t done the work. [link]
Stanford Professor’s New Zero-Net Energy Home Sets the Standard for Green Living [link]
Stressed Indus River threatens Pakistan’s water supplies [link]
Intermittent Domestic #Water Supply: A Critical Review & Analysis of Causal-Consequential Pathways  [link]
Damming the Future: The Struggle to Protect Kenya’s Ewaso Ngiro River. [link]
Can we learn to live with flooding? [link]
What should Jordan’s irrigation agency do to keep supplying water? [link]
Under EU policy, farmers dump produce in Africa, undercutting African farmers, while EU tariffs hurt African imports [link]
The price of LEDs is falling so fast it’s profitable to farm in a New Jersey nightclub [link]
Forage radish is the cream of cover crops, say experts [link]…
 Filed under: Energy, Week in review
