Week in review – energy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Obama’s proposed oil tax would almost double taxes at the pump [link] …
Your preview of GOP aides’ reaction to the White House’s proposed $10/bbl oil tax.  [link]
The Hypocrisy Exposed by the Worst Gas Leak in U.S. History [link]
Aliso Canyon (California)  natural gas storage leak a ‘major engineering challenge’ [link]
A very interesting paper on history of nuclear construction costs [link]
USC: we can make fuel directly out of Carbon Dioxide [link] …
How American energy independence could change the world. [link]  …
To generate as much electricity as #HinkleyC nuclear power plant, UK would need around 5,500 extra wind turbines [link]
Exxon Mobil expects CO2 emissions to peak around 2030 & for their intensity to be halved by 2040 [link]
Electric car boom fuels demand for coal  [link]
NEW UK govt strategy to “maximise economic recovery” of oil & gas. No mention of climate. [link]
Flotation Is the Next Big Thing in Energy Production [link]
In Germany, the price of your house falls by 10-17% if you can see a wind turbine from a window [link]  …
Does the UK face an electricity supply crisis? Carbon Brief explores the evidence. [link]
China to shut down 4,300 old coal mines, ban new ones. [link]
“@ThirdWayEnergy found that young environmentalists were more supportive of nuclear power than their older peers.” [link]
The Little-Known Reason Renewable Prices Are Falling [link]
“A commercialization strategy for carbon-negative energy” [link]
10 energy research experts tell @NatureEnergyJnl what the major challenges are in the coming decades – [link]
“Like it or not, air conditioning has done more than change the temperature; it has remade the world.”  [link]
Washington Post editorial: “Mr. Cruz is right about ending the #ethanol mandate” [link]
Analysis: Wind and solar revenue drops steeply over the next years in Germany – and how cheap coal comes into play [link]
Policy tradeoffs between climate mitigation and cook stove access in South Asia [link]
New Nature journal:  Nature Energy [link]
Nuclear-emphasizing climate policy impacts US habitat least, wind-focussed 30X as much; biodisel-focussed 500X. [link]
North Sea Oil Faces Wipeout As Prices Keep Plunging [link]
Hackers caused a blackout for the first time, researchers say [link]
From Poop To Power: Colorado Explores New Sources Of Renewable Energy  [link]
Forget Paris: Bangladesh Targets Huge Jump In Coal Use [link]
The world’s most cutting-edge renewable tech is powering rural Africa [link]
“If Africa is to industrialise, it needs power plants.” [link]
Why #energy distribution, more than generation, is Africa’s poverty reduction challenge  [link]
How India might actually reach its 100GW solar [link]  …
A cautionary tale from India on hydropower [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
