Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Ice-based energy storage for peak load avoidance – here, now & economic [link]
Concentrator Photovoltaics: The Next Step Towards Better #Solar Power [link]
Interesting article about Bhutan: Zen approach to Himalayan warming [link]
A “Great Reversal” in China? Coal Continues to Decline with Enforcement of Environmental Laws [link] …
The Bronze Age, The Iron Age, The Solar Age @theecologist [link]
Unintended consequences.  UK energy companies more reliant on ‘dirty’ coal [link].
Energy storage market poised to take off over the next few years: [link]
We can’t ignore the air pollution crisis in Africa’s fast-growing megacities [link]
How a new battery revolution will change your life [link]
Homeowners could save up to 40% on electricity through #demandflexibility [link]
Microwaving oil sands bitumen to lower GHG emissions, save costs using American innovation [link]
Colorado joins the states fighting the #CleanPowerPlan. Will more than half the states end up challenging it?  [link]
Molten salt thorium reactors are nearing commercialization. [link]  …
American innovation! Oil industry waste water transformed into geothermal energy [link]
How oil and gas industry is using technology to save water [link]
Energy stocks top performers in college endowments – study [link]
Are artificial trees part of the climate solution?  New research from Georgia Tech. [link]
Strong language from the President on climate while in Alaska [link]. JC note: there are presumably better articles on this, but this is what I flagged.
Climate Change Stars In Obama’s Alaska Theater Of The Absurd [link]
This puts Obama’s statements on climate in an interesting light.  Eric Posner on manipulation. [link]
Amazing @eilperin story about how Obama’s visit affected the small Arctic town of Kotzebue. Here’s what happens when climate warrior @POTUS invades a tiny #Alaska Arctic town: [link]
How the next US president could expand Obama’s #climate policies — or dismantle them. [link]
Fukushima impacts:  Who killed Hamako Watanabe? [link]
BBC: Can we learn to live with nuclear technology? [link]
Cities are finally treating water as a resource, not a nuisance [link] …Filed under: Week in review
