Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

China’s economic slow down could help its climate efforts [link]  …
A new solar boom is underway in Texas–because it makes economic sense [link]
Thought provoking article by Michael Liebreich: An Energy Sector Transformed Must Be an Energy Sector Reformed  [link] …
Coal ash far more dangerous than nuclear waste. [link]  …
GMOs, Herbicides, and Public Health” — important comment in New England Journal of Medicine [link]
The #Yellow River: a historian’s perspective on China’s water crisis [link]
Australia stops investing in wind power projects, in favor of developing new technologies [link]
Ewww, the EPA doesn’t know how to deal with 300 million tons of animal poop [link]
Drought Brings Soul Searching to California Winemaking, [link]
China’s carbon emissions have been overestimated. What does this mean for the country’s emissions pledge? [link]
“Yet another land mine for GMO Golden Rice.” retraction of a key journal paper [link]
Wind turbines make bat lungs explode.[link]
Residents of 43 states could see double-digit % increases in their electricity bills under @EPA carbon rule [link]
OPEC Is Toast as US Wins the Energy War [link]
A new strategy for creating solar technology: [link]
MacArthur Foundation vows to push climate solutions w/ $50M pledge to green groups – [link]
Underreported methane leaks from natural gas gathering systems. [link]
U.S. climate rules target methane leaks [link]  …
Good post from @ensiamedia on methane’s role in #climatechange and what we can do about it [link]
“Iran Threatens The Chief Inspector Of Its Nuclear Facilities” [link] …
Islamic Declaration on Climate Change [link]
Very cool research: Turning CO2 emissions into plastic with algae? It may not be as crazy as it sounds  [link]
Texas electricity grid rises to heat wave challenge. Power market manages demand spikes, keeps prices down [link]
US-UK Report Warns of Food Insecurity from Extreme Weather – [link]
Alaska’s quest to power remote villages – and how it could spread clean energy worldwide [link]
10 theories of change: Everyone involved in politics should understand these & their limitations.[link]
Using kids to file environmental lawsuits – fair or exploitative? [link]
Japan’s plutonium problem [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
