Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Offshore wind farm under construction is first in USA. 5 turbines = 30 MW [link]
Texas blows up over the Clean Power Plan –  Ironically, Texas in good shape to ditch coal. [link]
And REAL energy investors pay no attention to divestment movement:  [link]
The political war over Florida solar power is escalating [link]
Renewable Bats: “Renewable energy? New research estimates that 600,000+ bats were killed by wind turbines in 2012”  [link]
Milloy coal prediction comes true — Soros buys coal stocks dirt cheap. Prediction: http://goo.gl/5Hrj8D Event: http://goo.gl/O92Wmr
New TVA nuclear plant — on-time & on-budget. [link]
#Biofuel consumption on the rise in developing countries across the world [link]
Alex Epstein: We don’t need a “Clean Power Plan”—a euphemism for a blackout plan. We need an Energy Liberation Plan: [link]
It’s time to invest in clean energy in Africa [link] …
Our estimates indicate EPA’s carbon rule could cause—on balance—14,000 more premature deaths by 2030 [link]
Jarrett: EPA’s Changes to Power Grid Could Wreck the Economy [link]
STUDY: @EPA’s Carbon Rule would raise household electric and heating bills by $680 annually. [link]
President Obama’s Clean Power Plan “essentially calls for the extinction of nuclear power.”[link]
“Tesla is hemorrhaging money despite millions in government subsidies” [link] …
China building huge solar power station, which could power a million homes [link]
EPA Carbon Rule sticker shock: $1.23 trillion over 10 years. [link]
Fracked natural gas to replace nuclear plant in Vermont that Bill McKibben advocated closing.
Turning cow poo into power is profitable for US farm [link]
How Asia Is Shaping the Future of ⁰Global Energy. Excellent article by @levi_m [link]
Andrew Weaver;  Floods, Power and Fish: A Damming History [link] …
Quote of the week from Presidential candidate Donald Trump [link]:
“Well I don’t actually think it’s a Chinese hoax but I’m not a believer in man-made climate change. And again I had uncles at M.I.T. and stuff. By the way many smart people agree with me.”Filed under: Week in review
