Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

NY Times in op-ed praising Hillary’s climate plan: [link]
“nation needs investment in a new generation of nuclear power”
“You Ought to Have a Look: Hillary and Jeb Offer Climate Opinion” [link]
#Hydropower is making waves in developing global markets from Latin America to Africa  [link]
Israel’s Largest Solar Project Flows 1.5 Million kWh to Grid in 1st 6 Days  [link]
New report on U.S. natural gas & electricity markets. [link]  …
The $1.5 Trillion Climate Change Industry  [link]  …
Despite $7 billion to ‘Power Africa,’ why the continent is still in the dark [link]
UK world’s fastest falling #energy use more about efficiency than industry decline [link]
Court tells EPA: Redo overly strict emission limits in 13 states [link]  …
Coal/gas related deaths from closing 1 Swedish nuclear plant in 2005 already = deaths of 15 worstcase meltdowns.  [link]
EPA’s slide on pushing #CleanPowerPlan compliance to 2022, changing plan deadlines. [link]
“The more #solar industry calcifies in #China, the more difficult disruption will be” [link]
Beyond Energy: Making the Distributed Grid ‘Capacity-Efficient’ [link]
Why is climate a “wedge” issue for GOP Presidential candidates? [link]
White House Launches American Business Act on Climate Pledge [link]
Pakistan’s #Chitral Valley pioneers successful community hydropower schemes to solve electricity shortages [link]
Conflicted messages lie at heart of UK climate policy [link]
The triple bill we pay for solar power – Telegraph [link]
Matt Ridley: Let’s Cut These Regressive Wind And Solar Taxes [link]
Interesting perspective on recent policy discussions around Germany’s coal problem [link]
Wind energy provides 8% of Europe’s electricity [link]
Congressional Hearing Shines Light on Obama’s Social Cost of Carbon Sophistry [link] …
Why Rare Earth Recycling Is Rare (And What We Can Do About It)  [link]
Ending global fossil fuel subsidies could pay for universal access to water, the Internet & electricity  [link]
Are Countries Obligated to Fend Off Climate Change? [link]
Why We Need Nuclear Power | Mother Jones  [link]
Explainer: Amber Rudd ends UK Green Deal energy efficiency scheme [link]
Climate change debate ‘dictated by left-wing anti-capitalists’, says Amber Rudd  writes the Telegraph [link]
Outrage over EPA emissions regulations fades as states find fixes [link]Filed under: Week in review
