Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Political Insiders weigh in:How Much of a Role Will Climate Change Play in the 2016 Presidential Race? [link]  …
Hillary Clinton takes pragmatic tone on fossil fuels, climate change [link]
Guardian: Britain’s first ‘energy positive’ house opens in Wales [link]
China struggles to contain the environmental damage of its rapid growth [link]
Corn growers rally over EPA’s rule to cut ethanol production [link]  …
People who live near fracking sites suffer higher rates of heart conditions and neurological illnesses [link]
American power plant CO2 emissions fall 12% from 2008-13 [link]
Tata Steel Announces 720 Job Cuts Due To High Energy Costs & Strong Pound [link]
India’s confidently green road to Paris [link]  …
EPA distorts health benefits of mega-costly clean-air rule | [link]
Met Office’s @markpmcc dispels those myths about Heathrow record high temp being untrustworthy [link] http://bit.ly/1K9Q3cz
Muslim scholars highlight threat of climate change [link]
STUDY: Premature power plant closures will inevitably increase electricity costs. [link]
“The One New Technology That Could Get Us A Better & safer Iran Deal [link]  … use thorium, which can’t produce atomic weapons
The Latest Sign That Coal Is Getting Killed [link]
CassSunstein on the right way to measure the social price of carbon. [link]
Presidential #GreenChemistry Awards: Algenol wins one for algae-based CO2-to-fuel reactor [link]
Tackling energy #subsidies: What role for intl institutions? [link]
The case for sucking #CO2 out of the atmosphere. [link]
British green policies kill one person every seven minutes in the winter [link]

Norwegian #Hydropower Could Make #Norway The #Green Battery Of Europe [link]
Africa’s climate insurance scheme expands, eyes aid agency clients [link]  …
The @NRDC payed big role in CA water crisis: “The most amazing truth about California’s water crisis” [link] …
“States consider defying Obama climate rule | TheHill” [link]  …
“How plastic waste can stop global warming – The World Economic Forum” [link]
Regenerative agriculture needs to be centered around livestock in order to be optimized. [link]
An ill wind in Ontario [link]
Chinese Unveil Mysterious 3D Printed Houses – Built Out of Unique Material, Able to Withstand Devastating Earthquakes [link]  …
How do we feed 9 bn w/out threatening water supply? Great #TedTalk from Jon Foley [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
