Week in review – energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

The Limits of the ‘Tobacco Strategy’ on Climate Change [link] …
Charles Moore: The Obsession With Global Warming Will Put The Lights Out All over Britain [link]
China is building nuclear reactors quickly and cheaply—about 5 years per reactor and $2000 to $2500 per kilowatt [link]
Overview of Republican candidates perspectives on climate change [link]
China burns much more #coal than reported, complicating climate talks [link]
500 new coal plants under construction in Asia because… coal’s cheap. [link]
RICO-teering: How climate activists executed their plan to blame oil companies (Exxon) for warming. [link]
Obama’s Court Quagmire: Green Agenda At Risk [link]
How India’s economic blockade of Nepal may cause more severe floods in #Bihar [link]
BP sees technology nearly doubling world #energy resources by 2050 |  [link]
Priorities for the African continent: energy, industrialization, integration and job creation [link]
Targeting fossil fuels from supply vs demand side [link]
Does cheap oil weaken the case for stricter fuel-economy rules? [link]
World’s largest floating windfarm gets green light in Scotland [link] …
Finally, America is building its first wind farm in the ocean. [link] …
What California can learn from Saudi Arabia’s water mystery [link] …
Back To The Dark Ages: Top French Weatherman Fired Over Climate Change Book [link]
Copper foam might revolutionize batteries [link]
Can solar pumps step in where rain can’t for farmers in #India? [link]
NASA Bombshell: Global Groundwater Crisis Threatens Our Food Supplies & Our Security [link]
The future of nuclear energy in the Western world: slow, inexorable decline [link]
Nature: Combined climate pledges of 146 nations fall short of 2 °C target [link]
India & Africa Ask Developed Nations To Pay Up, Reduce CO2 Emissions [link]
India’s rising demands for cooling make it a hot topic [link]
How super low natural gas prices are reshaping how we get our power [link]
Likely outcomes for the Paris climate talks: [link]
.@carbonpulse has the lowdown on draft rules for China’s national carbon market: [link] …
Obama Cancels Lease Sales in Arctic; Cedes Arctic to Russia [link]
Restorative #ocean farming? #seaweed as next super food [link]
Solar power to light the way for Africa as low-carbon campaign launches [link] …
Too cool for fuel:  inside nuclear fusion reactor Wendelstein 7x stellarator [link]
Who will pay for climate change? [link]
All eyes on China as climate summit approaches [link]
Did ExxonMobil lie about climate change? [link]
Obama rejects Keystone pipeline [link]
EPA used Monsanto’s research to give RoundUp a pass [link]
 Filed under: Week in review
