WATCH: Florida Man Holding “Death To America” Sign Beat Senseless

“Because of Obama’s policies” read the other side, inspiring his fellow north Florida man to beat the everlasting hell out of him, and try to steal the sign.
Old fashioned “Sharpie clickbait” drove another Florida man named “Larry” into a sign stealing, protester beating rage.
So, Charles Brownett was attacked for exercising his 1st Amendment free speech rights.
But he plans to return very soon.
And all of the action was caught on a cell phone video that’s going viral.
Because “Larry” clearly needed that sign, more than words can say.
And he tried to take it.
By force.
“This isn’t a premeditated thing,” ‘Larry’ told the local news, “This was just, I saw something that upset me so much, I couldn’t think straight anymore.”
Local reporter Larry Spruell asked, “A lot of people think death to America is offensive, why put that on a sign and stand outside?”
Unemployed 45-year old iron worker Charles Brownett replied, “What is offensive is President Obama signing executive orders to allow the Syrian refugees who may or may not be jihadi terrorists.”
Brownett’s attacker was also interviewed by Spruell, and given anonymity to comment, and asked “Larry”, “You’re not worried about possible arrests?”
“No sir, not one bit,” said the Florida man “Larry” who committed the assault because he was offended by the statement “Death to America” which our country’s Founding Fathers fought and died to allow Americans to freely say.
But now, television journalist Larry Spruell should be concerned, because the Supreme Court precedent set in Branzburg vs. Hayes requires journalists to testify about confidential sources in criminal grand jury investigations, at least in federal proceedings.
If this incident ever makes it that far, because clearly, a crime against free – if offensive and possibly misguided – speech has gone down in northern Florida
As PINAC News readers know “Jax suppresses the 1st Amendment” isn’t just an airplane banner, but legal doctrine by that area’s Chief Jurist Mark Mahon who just last year “shit on the constitution” just in time for the 4th of July weekend.
“I don’t deserve to be beat up,” said Brownett whose arm was in a sling as he was interviewed wearing what appears to be a hospital gown, “You can come up there and yell and scream at me, curse me out.”
“But please don’t hit me.”
Clay County Sheriffs report indicates that Brownett filed a claim of battery against his attacker, as you can see below.
Middleburg is a tiny community of 13,000 residents which is centrally located in the middle of nowhere, just 26 miles south of Jacksonville.
Amazingly, the sidewalks were bustling with activity.
One of the town’s many McDonald’s fast food restaurants is on that corner, right behind the witness who recorded the entire bizarre scene.
As the first man in his orange shirt tried to steal the protester’s precious “sharpie clickbait” sign, his female passenger ambled through the crosswalk to the pair of men rolling around on the sidewalk.
The spindly lady wearing short shorts, and a grey shirt stood near the Brownett and “Larry” for a few seconds, then burst into action kicking the man who brought the “sharpie clickbait” a couple of times as he scrapped on the ground with her friend.
The video ends when a fourth person, a Good Samaritan in a red shirt arrived and tried to separate the man with the exciting sign from “Larry” who departed in his Nissan Titan.
Local news outlet CBS 47/Fox30 originally reported that:

Earlier Tuesday, the victim holding the sign was found to be “exercising his right to free speech” and was not violating any laws. Deputies received several calls about the victim holding the sign, but he was on a public sidewalk and was not blocking traffic. Deputies also told the victim he may “have some negative reactions from passersby” and the victim said he had a cellphone in case there was an issue

North Florida is notorious for suppressing the 1st Amendment, but this might be the first time anyone was beat up for hating a President Obama.
When asked if he would do it all again, Brownett who said he’s been attacked before for holding up signs said, “I would, I would.”
“I’m not smart, and that’s the only way I know how to express myself.”

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Ed. Note: This is not an April Fools joke.
The post WATCH: Florida Man Holding “Death To America” Sign Beat Senseless appeared first on PINAC News.
