Washington: Pentagon Consolidates Military Ties With Georgia

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
December 12, 2013
Bilateral defence consultations
Deputy Minister of Defence Mikheil Darchiashvili continues visits in Washington. In the frames of the visit bilateral consultations were held between the Georgian and U.S. sides.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, Evelyn N. Farkas co-chaired the meeting with Georgian Deputy Defence Minister Micheil Darchiashvili. Commander of the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Europe, Lieutenant General Richard Treyon and Deputy Director of Plans, Policy and Strategy at the U.S. European Command Rear Admiral Patrick Piercey attended the consultations as well.
The main topic of consultations included discussions over defence cooperation aspects, defence reforms and future cooperation plans. The progress achieved by Georgia in the scope of intensified bilateral cooperation in the field of defence was also thoroughly discussed at the meeting.
Future cooperation areas were identified by 2014-15, which will promote the further development of defence capabilities of Georgian Armed Forces and enhancement of interoperability with NATO.
The American side expressed gratitude to the Georgian side for a huge contribution provided to the NATO-led ISAF operation. Georgia`s decision to continue participation in the post-ISAF period and to take part in the activities of NATO Response Force in 2015 was positively evaluated.
At the meeting the American side underlined the United States` readiness to continue assistance for the development of national resources for rehabilitation of the Georgian military personnel wounded in international stability missions.
Ministry of Defence of Georgia
December 13, 2013
Meeting at U.S. Department of Defence
Deputy Defence Minister of Georgia discussed deepening cooperation issues with the USA with his American counterpart. Meeting with Dr. James N. Miller was held at U.S. Department of Defence.
At the meeting the sides discussed Georgia-U.S. deepening cooperation issues in defence sphere, Georgia’s NATO integration prospects, Georgia’s contribution in NATO-led ISAF international mission, Georgia’s participation in NRF and future cooperation plans. Security environment in Georgia and in the region was also focused on at the meeting in DoD.
“We updated our commitment with American partners that two battalions of Georgian Armed Forces will continue ISAF mission in Afghanistan till the mission ends and after 2014 Georgian side will involve in new operation. We also referred to Georgia’s participation in NRF after 2015. NRF separate certification process is ongoing at this moment which takes year and a half in case of Georgia. This process is derived from high level interoperability between Georgia and the Alliance” – stated Mikheil Darchiashvili after the end of the meeting at U.S. Department of Defence.
