Washington: EU-NATO Merger Proceeds Apace

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

April 30, 2015
SACT participates in 4th Annual Transatlantic Cooperation for Global Security

General Jean-Paul Paloméros participated in the 4th Annual Transatlantic Cooperation for Global Security: The EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) symposium in Washington DC 29 April.
Organised by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Delegation of the European Union to the United States, it brought together American and European crisis management experts – both military and civilian – for a transatlantic.
Before the start of the symposium, SACT met High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – Vice President of the European Commission (HRVP) Federica Mogherini for a discussion on the matter. SACT briefed her on ACT’s role as a military strategic command in charge of NATO’s long term adaptation – to include future enhanced NATO-EU relations, one of General Paloméros’ priorities.
SACT informed the HRVP about the intent of ACT’s work plan, which proposes very concrete steps on “how to reinforce NATO-EU transformation efforts” under the agreed framework. He explained that the work plan is very much welcome by NATO and also by the military in the EU. One example of propositions given by SACT is the establishment of an EU liaison team at Headquarters SACT, a team that would have a role in ensuring collaboration on strategic and defence planning, capability development, and training and exercises. HRVP Mogherini welcomed the effort towards a stronger EU-NATO cooperation.
SACT participated in the panel titled “Hybrid warfare: threats to Europe’s South and East”, with Director of the Crisis Management and Planning Directorate of the EEAS Mr Gabor Iklody, and Senior Fellow of the Center for Transatlantic Relations of The Johns Hopkins University Dr Hans Binnendijk. The panel was moderated by Steven Pifer from the ‘Center on the US and Europe Brooklings Institution. The panel discussed main characteristics of hybrid threats and underlined the importance of a trilateral collaboration between EU, NATO and the member nations of these two organisations. It was emphasized that each organisation has different sets of tools and that collaboration is crucial to benefit from the strengths of each other. General Paloméros and Mr Iklody underlined that they are aligned on what EU and NATO need to improve: i.e. comprehensive Approach, strategic awareness, resilience, responsiveness, Strategic Communication and security networking.
