The Virginia Shooting Is Fake! Another False Flag To Promote Gun Control In America...

I watched the "news" the other day just like everyone else about this latest "shooting" in Roanoke, Virginia, that occurred at a mall at around 645am EDT.... In this latest ridiculous "false flag" operation, a supposed former employee of a television station, Vester Lee Flanagan (Yes, that is his name, supposedly...) aka "Bryce Williams", was seeking revenge against the station, and several employees, and decided to show up at that mall with a hand gun ready to kill several people.... The Jew spew media had reported that he fired "multiple shots" at two of the station's employees, Alison Parker and Adam Ward, and killed them on the spot... It has been widely reported everywhere as being a tragedy... But I am not sold, for there are many inconsistencies with this latest "shooting" and I will go over many of them here.....First, does anyone find it not strange that this gunman KNEW the exact time that this TV station crew was to be at this mall considering he had supposedly been "fired" a while back?  I find it strange that the Jew spew media is avoiding this issue, even though it may be "minor".....*And Again.. Another Update:  I received an email just last night from a colleague saying that he found it peculiar that this "gunman" had access to that mall at that time of the morning... Considering it was well before normal Mall open hours... Therefore the question arises as to who let him in?  I noticed the "media" is again avoiding this question that raises a lot of suspicion! Second... I do want everyone to watch the Liveleak,com video here that was supposedly made by the gunman as he is taking his shots at Alison Parker....More to follow:*Update: Someone sent me THIS very short Youtube video version, that shows the shooting at close range.  It is only 5 seconds long, but clearly show the gun firing BLANKS with the victim absolutely not reacting like a normal "shooting"victim, but instead turning and running!:  If anyone has a solid video link of the full version, I will post it.. Otherwise, the Liveleak feed listed above appears to remain intact, and I do want everyone to view it there until Youtube stops its censorship... OK... Watch the video very closely as the "gunman" takes his shots, and notice the reaction (or inaction) by Alison as she takes "multiple bullets" to her body... Notice for the next few seconds as the shots are fired at near point blank range and see her body reaction.... Exactly.. There is NO reaction.. There is NO blood splattering... NO torn clothing as the bullets rip through her flimsy outfit... NO reaction by Alison's body as it receives the bullet shots (where is her body kicking back from the impact of the bullets considering how frail she is?)... And finally her reaction and lack of change of tone in her voice... After receiving those first 2-3 shots, she should have been crumpling over but instead she SCREAMS AND RUNS AWAY like an antelope, IN HIGH HEELS!!!  Honestly, this alone made me cry 'BULLSHIT' and confirms that the gun was loaded with BLANKS!!!*Update, August 29th 2015:  Many have commented on one very important aspect that has been overlooked...It appears that there is a momentary glance by victim "Alison" as the supposed "300lb" gunman stands there with his gun in hand ready to shoot... I found that in the original footage via Liveleaks myself and this finding is astonishing and appears to mean that this was definitely a set up with the "victim" now ready after confirming that the gunman was there to do her act!  This is the most damning "red flag" and shows that this was indeed a staged event and a hoax...*Another update: Will someone please explain to me what is that black thing on Alison's leg?  Someone suggested it was one of those fake blood packs, ready to be used when the victim "collapses" from the "gun shots"...But Alison herself appears to have not done her part right and instead of falling right there, she runs away in her high heels....*And Yet Another Update: A commentator claims that the black device strapped to her leg is part of the video and audio equipment for her interview....That is plausible, but it does puzzle me as to why "Alison" has it strapped to her leg,  like a garter belt, and not to her arm or elsewhere on her body?   Third.... We have the bullshit story "for sympathy" of course that comes out quickly about Alison Parker's "boyfriend",  which to me I found so strange.... Look at this picture here: Now, does anyone find the report about this guy to be strange?  If this is indeed Alison Parker's "boyfriend" and he just lost a loved one...Then WHY in the hell is he SMIRKING, and almost laughing?   If I lost someone in a tragedy, I would be sullen, distraught, and absolutely not giving the same facial expression as this obvious actor has.....  I am therefore calling bullshit on this 'boyfriend' of the victim crap that the media is running.... And therefore again points to this entire shooting as being a staged event...And notice how they claim that big binder that he is carrying is supposedly a "photo album" of his time with Alison... I looked at that and I said.. What the F*&^ are they trying to pull???  Honestly, the reports claim that his 'relationship' with Alison was "kept secret"... So how in the hell would he have a big binder of photos from a "secret" relationship?  And of course ready for the public to swallow????*Update August 28th, 2015:  Someone sent me the following Youtube video of this clown, Chris Hurst, doing an on air interview the day after the "shooting".  This comes from Youtube user "PressResetRadio", and is a must watch by everyone, and shows this crisis actor doing his best "Gene Rosen" imitation on air.  Note also the total lack of real emotion and his words are almost definitely scripted (Listen to him talk and ask yourself if anyone actually talks like that, especially after having a loved one "blown away").  Here is that video:I am so troubled by the lack of emotion and the way this clown speaks... If I lost a loved one, I would be devastated, not wanting to be on air, and ABSOLUTELY NOT carry around a prop (The photo album prop is so ridiculous...) This is the "Gene Rosen"  moment of this fraud shooting, definitely!Fourth, and this one raised a flag with me instantly, was how the Jew spew media has been clamoring all over this latest "shooting" and screaming again for "gun control" legislation for all of America... That raised an instant red flag with me, and caused me to take a good hard look at this entire "shooting" where I and others have found serious problems and inconsistencies that point to this being another staged event...The bottom line here is that we are now living in an Orwellian world, where the criminals that run our governments are pulling off these fraud shootings for the psychological effect of fear in their own citizens... And they will continue to generate this fear until the people panic and surrender their rights, freedoms, and their guns.... Do NOT be fooled!!!And about these victims?  I suppose Alison and Adam, and even bullshit boyfriend "Chris" have all received their payoffs for this action (Report came out that Alison was being relieved of her reporting duties. The shooting just so happened on her last day!  Coincidence???) and have taken their money (Reports that I have seen have come out that the money is $666,000 per crisis actor and "victim" for their part.. Notice the "666"....) and are right now living comfortably out of harms way only to resurface a few years from now under new identities......This Virginia TV "shooting" has all the earmarks of being a fraud... I leave it up to readers to add their own 2 cents worth to this report through my comment section... I will be updating this report further as new information comes out... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS*Another update: I did notice something that I found peculiar in the gunman's own video... As he approaches both the "victim", Alison Parker, and the woman she is "interviewing", the woman being interviewed does not react at all to the gunman's approach, and even to the gunman already waving his gun before he takes the shots!  How could that person not notice out of the corner of her eye and well within her peripheral vision that the gunman was first approaching and then pulled his gun out?  Her total disregard to the gunman's approach is another dead giveaway that this was indeed a set up! *And another update: I was informed that the woman being "interviewed"by Alison Parker claims that the gunman shot her "in the back"... HOW could that be considering she was facing the gunman, though at a slight angle, the whole time?  NO part of that "video" shows her turning around and running and thus giving the gunman the right body position for her to receive a shot to the "back"..... It appears that again these crisis actors cannot get their stories straight, much like the Sandy Hook fake shooting!*And yet another update:  I found this interesting and another dead giveaway that this "shooting" was indeed a set up.... For according to a report from Investment Watchblog (link here), it appears that her Royal evilness, Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) is exploiting this Virginia "shooting" to promote gun control!  This alone shows that we are indeed dealing with a fraud shooting....  *Very Important Update:  PLEASE take a close look at my article from August 31st (link here) which absolutely blows this entire fiasco right out of the water!  And finally exposes this as the fraud it is... The article shows that these criminals have indeed played a sick and twisted game on everyone...  A DEFINITE MUST READ!!!!  It is time that we all take the liars in our media and our governments to task for pulling these sick acts against the public...