Video: Woman with Down Syndrome Thrilled when Boyfriend Gives Promise Ring

A sweet video recently went viral of young New Jersey woman, Ashley Greenhalgh, receiving a promise ring from her boyfriend of two years at her 21st birthday party and simultaneous high school graduation bash.
“The pair, who both have Down syndrome, plan to wed in the next four years. Her boyfriend, Danny Griffiths, says he is saving up to get Ashley a better ring, throw a wedding, and support the pair in their new life together.
Ashley’s older sister, Courtney Greenhalgh, said in a video interview with Inside Edition that her sister knew the promise ring was coming for a long time, but was still surprised, shocked and delighted to receive it.
Courtney wrote on a Facebook post about the viral video:

“Danny and Ashley talk about getting married in the future; while they know that the timing isn’t right just yet, Danny wanted to go out of his way to let my sister know that he will always be there for her.”

In the video, which has been viewed over 1.3 million times, Danny gets down on one knee and asks Ashley to be his wife. Ashley, who cannot contain her joy squeals, “It’s a ring! I’m going to be married!”
Both families were in on the action and after lots of discussion and planning agree that the timing isn’t right for a wedding, but that the couple are definitely meant to be.
Love knows no bounds,” says Courtney in a video for Inside Edition. She also added on a Facebook post underneath the video, “Not only do they both share an unconditional love for one another, they show a genuine appreciation for life on a daily basis.”
The New Jersey couple first became acquainted at the Kingsway Learning Center in Morrestown. Danny worked three jobs just to save up enough money to get his wife the gorgeous promise ring.
The pair could not be happier or more optimistic for their future.
Courtney is beaming at her sister’s joy in a video published by Inside Edition. She says:

“I couldn’t be prouder as a big sister. She’s accomplished so much. The whole world is in front of her and she can do whatever she wants.”

Inside Edition