Video Interview: U.S., NATO Will Never Leave Afghanistan

Press TV
February 22, 2015
US, allies will never leave Afghanistan, pundit says
The manager of the Stop NATO International Network was a guest at a Press TV interview on the slowing pace of the US-led troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Rick Rozoff believes that the United States and its NATO allies have virtually changed their plan to withdraw all of their troops from the war-ravaged country.
“The Western military alliance will never abandon military bases in Afghanistan in pursuit of their long-term geopolitical and strategic interest in the troubled region,” Rozoff argues.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the analyst points out that the United States used Afghanistan as a testing and battle ground in order to integrate the armies of several countries fighting under the banner of the NATO military alliance.
Press TV
February 22, 2015
Debate: Does US seek perpetual war in Afghanistan?
More than 13 years ago on October 7, 2001, the US forces inaugurated a massive military operation against Afghanistan allegedly to fight terrorism.
Although 2,200 American soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, terrorism still seems to continue to cause death and destruction in the country.
In this edition of The Debate, Press TV has conducted an interview with Rick Rozoff, with the Stop NATO International Network from Chicago, and Frederick Peterson, a congressional defense policy adviser from Richmond, to ask them why the US still wants to invest more money and troops in Afghanistan.
