Either Christ will be supreme or the devil. The sodomites will never tolerate us as we have, unfortunately, tolerated and now legalized their anal sex and raised it to respectability in a legal farce which designates it as the state of matrimony. The queen of England, the head of the Church of England, ratified homosexual matrimony this week.Where are the millions of Christians to take to the streets in protest? The French did indeed protest last spring, though the American media barely covered their huge rallies and marches.Observe as the comfortable, wealthy churches, even “conservative" ones, accommodate themselves to this revolutionary break with 3,000 years of Biblical and Christian civilization.The tyranny of sodomy has arrived! The evidence is here in this video (see below), an outrageous arrest which the corporate media have barely reported; and this is only the beginning of the reign of the sodomites over us. Learn more:Sodomite Supremacy in America Michael Hoffman excavates the homosexual rights revolution in American law from the perspective of Communist revolutionary tyranny, Newspeak nomenclature, the Supreme Court's Talmudic legislating; and the heretofore unaccounted impact of the widespread use of contraception in heteorsexual marriage. Approximately 54 minutes. Audio CD. Order here_______________________