VIDEO - AGENDA: Grinding America Down

The Most Important Documentary On America Ever; Destroying America From Withinby: Josey WalesThere is nothing that is taking place in America today that can’t be understood by examining the 100-year history of the efforts to destroy America from within.This is a documentary that takes an in-depth look at the root of our decline in America; socialism with the ultimate goal of global communism. This documentary also lays out names and dates and groups that have an active and growing agenda to bring America down to a third-world country, from Karl Marx to the Fabian Socialists to the Weather Underground to the chosen U.S. puppet president, Barack Obama.It also chronicles the methods they have used to implement their agenda, the source of those methods and how they are playing out in our society today.The movie takes a look at all of the typical leftist/liberal/progressive pet causes and explains how they came to be and how they tie into the socialist/communist agenda.THE ILLUMINATI intended to enslave the human race. It was Karl Marx himself, unquestionably the father of modern Communism, who said: “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”  —Karl Marx A Sheep No More has added a condensed 10 minute video that was taken from a more detailed video, explaining how a communist takeover happens in four stages as revealed by Yuri Bezmenov. Bezmenov, who was a former KGB propagandist, explains his background, some of his training, and exactly how Soviet propaganda is spread in other countries in order to subvert their teachers, politicians, and other policy makers to a mindset receptive to the Soviet communist ideology. He also details the scheme for the KGB process of psychological warfare subversion, control of Western society & the four-step formulate for achieving this goal. That video is listed directly below:(VIDEO):  OBAMA’s END GAME REVEALED BY KGB PROPAGANDIST – Communist Obama Socialist /  The second video is much more in-depth and asks the question: Why is dethroning God and Capitalism so important to the Left and socialist/communist leaders?Unfortunately, today we witness both parties from the left and the right, called the 2-party oligarchy, as being a part of this communist agenda. But, Why?Let’s take a look.(VIDEO):  Agenda: Grinding America Down Source:… Indeed, this was an excellent documentary on the over all American communist dilemma, but the film lacks important information relative to the reasons why the country has fallen into such a deplorable state.First and foremost, the documentary does not disclose the Jewish/Zionist role in America's decline.  The producer, Curtis Bowers, names four specific communist agendas which we now know were/are orchestrated and administrated by American and International Jewry.  The father of communism, Karl Marx, was a Jew and every pivotal Bolshevik instigator from Lenin to Stalin in the former Soviet Union were all Jewish.  Communism is Judaism1. FABIAN SOCIALISM -  Labor Zionism's founders were Shabbtai Zvi and Jacob Frank. Papal Court Jew Theodore Hertzl continued it. So we can also call The Labor Zionists, Sabbathean Frankish.  A lot of members of the Fabian Socialists are Pope serving Masonic Labor Zionists and they are in the CFR and The Trilateral Commission and in The Vatican Knighthoods tangled up in High Level Freemasonry occupying places of high power. William Cooper called it British Israelism.  Communism also has its roots in the Fabian Socialist party.  Karl Marx was a 33rd degree Freemason and a student of Moses Hess all pope serving Jews.  This movement was clearly connected to high level Freemasonry.  The movement was even called after a Roman Q. Fabius Maximus.  Annie Besant was also a member and she is again connected to Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey (Lucis Trust / UN) = The Jesuit New Age Movement (Pierre Teilhart de Chardin) some of its members were : George Bernard Shaw, Beatrice en Sidney Webb, Annie Besant, H. G. Wells, Emmeline Pankhurst, Bertrand Russell en John Maynard Keynes.  Also the International Crime Court in the Hague has its roots in the Fabian Socialist Movement.....(Stephen Pratt is speaking in the video)  FRANKFURT SCHOOL - See my post from 2007 which explains the damage done by these immigrant Jews.  Anti-America: How Marxist Jews Subverted and Corrupted Western Culture3.  FEMINIST MOVEMENT - Created by a Jewess who later claimed that she was only doing her Marxist duty.Feminism: A Jewish War on Femininity4.  HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT - The Radical Homosexual Movement Is Run By JewsHere is an exhaustive list proving, once and for all, that the radical homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement. Jews created it and run it from top to bottom. They are pushing the perversion and degeneracy that is spreading disease, sin and sickness through America like a wildfire. -The West Larry Kramer -- co-founder of "Act Up," a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men's Health Crisis Alan Klein -- co-founder of group ACT UP, co-founder of group Queer Nation, National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD]. Klein also co-founded the successful multimedia campaign STOPDRLAURA.COM Arnie Kantrowitz -- co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD]. Jonathan D. Katz -- founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest queer studies institute in the world. A long time queer political activist, was a co-founder of Queer Nation, [the key San Francisco branch]. Harvey Fierstein -- film actor [Mrs. Doubtfire]; well-known gay activist. Moisés Kaufman -- playwright and film director [The Laramie Project]. Israel Fishman -- founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970 [now known as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association], the world's first gay professional organization. Bella Abzug and Edward Koch -- both Jewish -- the first members of the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation [1974]. Winnie Stachelberg -- political director, Human Rights Campaign [HRC] Michael S. Aronowitz, The New York Log Cabin Republicans. Tony Kushner -- gay activist; Tony and 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright [for Angels in America, 1992]. Len Hirsch -- president of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE. Meg Moritz, Ph.D. -- a Director and member of the Executive Committee of GLAAD. Barbara Raab -- an NBC-TV producer; a "Jewish lesbian feminist journalist, writer." Charles Kaiser [?] -- author & founding member of National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA]. David Goodstein -- owner/publisher of the gay magazine The Advocate [1975-1985]; co-founder of the National Gay Rights Lobby. Judy Wieder -- Editor-in-chief, The Advocate gay magazine. Alison Bechdel [?] -- cartoonist creator and author of the bi-weekly comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For." Kevin Koffler -- Editor-in-chief, Genre gay magazine. Garrett Glaser -- National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association [NLGJA] national board member. Ronald Gold -- reporter for Variety; a leader in the fight to overturn the American Psychiatric Association's policy that homosexuality is an illness. Magnus Hirschfeld [d. 1935], early gay rights activist in Germany; founded one of the first gay rights organizations, the Scientific Humanitarian Committee; coined the term "transvestism"; fled Nazi Germany. Fred Hochberg -- deputy administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration; co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign [HRC]. Michael Berman -- member, Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors. Mitchell Gold -- HRC Board Marty Lieberman -- HRC BoardAndy Linsky -- HRC BoardDana Perlman -- HRC BoardAbby Rubenfeld -- HRC Board Andrew Tobias -- HRC Board Lara Schwartz -- Senior Counsel, HRC Heather Wellman -- HRC Field Coordinator Dan Furmansky -- HRC Senior Field Organizer, West Sally Green -- HRC Associate Field Director Rick Rosendall [?] -- President, Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC. Barney Frank -- member of U.S. Congress; helped create non-discriminatory employment policies in all U.S. federal agencies Kerry Lobel -- executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Robin Margolis, American coordinator of the Bi Women's Cultural Alliance and author [Bisexuality: A Practical Guide]. Evan Wolfson, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund -- and -- the executive director of Freedom to Marry. Jennifer Einhorn -- Communications Director, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD] Nancy Alpert [?] -- Treasurer, GLAAD Judy Gluckstern -- Board of Directors, GLAAD.Stephen M. Jacoby -- Board of Directors, GLAAD.Matt Riklin -- Board, GLAADCarol Rosenfeld -- Board, GLAAD.William Weinberger -- Board, GLAAD Tanya Wexler -- Board, GLAAD. David Huebner -- GLAAD Counsel. Richard Goldstein -- Village Voice writer on gay culture and politics Ron Schlittler -- Director of Field & Policy, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays [PFLAG]. Craig Ziskin -- Deputy Director of Development, PFLAG. Debra Weill -- Senior Field & Policy Coordinator, PFLAG. Dody Goldstein -- Board of Directors, PFLAG. David Horowitz -- Board of Directors, PFLAG. Shawn Frank -- Board of Directors, PFLAG. Leon Weinstein -- Chair, Nominating Committee, PFLAG. Kate Kendell [?], National Center for Lesbian Rights. Gayle Rubin -- lesbian author/activist. Hilary Rosen -- a founding member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; former board co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign. Roz Richter, American attorney and activist. Bob Kunst -- long-time activist in gay and Jewish causes. "Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network" [GLSEN]. Board co-chairs: Marty Seldman, president "National Gay & Lesbian Task Force" [NGLTF]. Board co-chairs: ..... Rachel Rosen in Santa Fe, N.M Dave Fleischer -- Director of Training [political training], NGLTF. Craig Hoffman -- Board of Directors, NGLTF. Beth Zemsky -- Board, NGLTF. Marsha C. Botzer -- Treasurer, NGLTF. Jeff Levi -- first, Levi was NGTF's lobbyist, early 1980s [NGTF became NGLTF in 1985]. Later, he was NGLTF executive director. Bill Rubenstein, J.D. '86, developed the ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project Martin Duberman -- author/historian; founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York. Ben Schatz '81, J.D. '85, is executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Foundation. Kevin Schaub, American; Executive Director and Dean of the Harvey Milk Institute in San Francisco, the world's largest center for queer studies. Sarah Schulman [1958- ], American playwright, novelist, and activist [one of the founders of the Lesbian Avengers, a direct-action lesbian rights organization]. Susan Spielman -- principal/head of Common Ground, an education/consulting firm specializing in workplace sexual orientation education; her company has worked with hundreds of U.S. organizations, helping them to implement domestic partner benefits plans; co-author of the book Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace. Gertrude Stein -- wrote the first openly lesbian novel, "Q.E.D.," in 1903, but it was only published posthumously in 1950. Rikki Streicher (1925-1994), American activist and businesswoman. Michael Goff -- founded Out magazine in 1992. Paulette Goodman -- founder of local chapter [Washington D.C.] of PFLAG and served as President of the National PFLAG organization from 1988-1992. Jeffrey Newman, American, president and COO of the Gay Financial Network; president and CEO of Jim Levin -- New York gay historian. Barrett Brick -- GLAA [Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance] Treasurer. Robin Tyler -- American comedian [born Arlene Chernick] who was the first openly gay comic in North America; Tyler is also an activist who was the stage producer for the first three gay marches on Washington and the national protest coordinator for the "Stop Dr. Laura" campaign; she produces women's comedy and music festivals, and operates a lesbian travel-tour company. Dr. Bruce Voeller [1935?-1994] [?] American gay rights activist, molecular biologist, physiologist, and AIDS researcher (pioneer in the use of nonoxynol-9 as a spermicide); cofounder and first executive director of the National Gay Task Force; creator of the Mariposa Foundation [an AIDS prevention research organization]. Mark Elderkin [?] -- co-founded Leroy Aarons -- American professor, journalist, and founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association (1990). Dr. Donald I. Abrams -- American physician, HIV expert, medical marijuana researcher, and past president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. Johnny Abush (1952-2000) -- [Canadian]; archivist of the International Jewish GBLT Archives. Roberta Achtenberg [1950- ]; civil rights lawyer and federal official; appointed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton in 1993. Miriam Ben-Shalom [1948- ], American Army Reserves drill sergeant and gay activist; in 1986 she won a ten-year legal battle with the Reserves when a court ordered her reinstatement; founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans Association [GLBVA] in 1990, serving as its first president. Larry Brinkin, American gay activist who brought the first domestic partnership lawsuit [against Southern Pacific Railroad, 1982]. Rob Eichberg, American psychologist, co-creator of National Coming Out Day [October 11th]. Scott Evertz, American; in April 2001, President Bush appointed him to serve as the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy [ONAP]. Gene Falk [?, Jewish name], American business executive; Senior Vice President of the Showtime Digital Media Group; part of the team that launched and marketed the U.S. TV series Queer as Folk; Chair of the Board of Directors of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD]. Surina Kahn -- American lesbian activist. Larry Kessler -- founding director in 1983 of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, the largest AIDS support organization in New England. Kathy Levinson -- American investor and philanthropist; serves on the board of PlanetOut; also on NGLTF Board of Directors. Judith Light -- actress, activist for gay causes. David Mixner -- gay activist, political consultant; co-founder of the Municipal Elections Committee of Los Angeles [MECLA], a group of wealthy gays and lesbians who became influential in local politics; president Bill Clinton's Special Liaison to the Gay-Lesbian Community. Dan Savage -- American author of gay-themed books [The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant; Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America] and gay-themed- sex-advice columnist [Savage Love]. Susan Schuman, American executive vice-president and general manager of the Planet Out gay and lesbian online service. Scott Seomin, American entertainment media coordinator for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD]. Jason Serinus [Jay Guy Nassberg] -- founder and coordinator of the Lavender Healing Network; a former gay activist with the New York chapter of the Gay Liberation Front. David Sine [?] -- American CEO of C1TV, the first U.S. gay and lesbian cable TV network. Rex Wockner -- longtime gay, American journalist who has reported news for the gay press since 1985. Jack Fritscher -- became Editor in Chief of Drummer gay magazine [1977]. Leslie Feinberg [1949- ], American trade unionist, transgender activist and author [Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul]. Allan Ginsburg - late Jewish poet and leading member of North American Man Boy Love Association.Source: NFW (News From The West blog is no longer viable.  The West disappeared and stopped updating the blog several years ago.)Like so many other Truthers in the "politically correct" arena, Bowers' deliberately orates the usual rhetorical lies about Nazi Germany and Hitler's National Socialism.  National Socialism in its purest form is actually a fair and egalitarian form of government that worked very well for the Germans but eventually angered the Jews since it did not suit their demands within German society.  Educate yourself on the truth of Hitler's Germany by reading this article: SAVE YOUR HERITAGE.  Another information tidbit: nearly all the Nazis in Hitler's army were Jewish.  Furthermore, Bowers blames Hitler for the splitting apart of  Germany, however, that happened after the war and Hitler's death.  History of Germany (1945–90).Bowers also had several praises for former Pres. Ronald Reagan in the documentary.  He states that if Reagan were President now that we wouldn't be on a sinking ship.  Let me inform you that Reagan was one of those Presidents that punched a great big hole in America when he began his "deregulation" agenda.  Read about it here:“Unregulated Greed has Destroyed the Capitalist System” Additional disinformation and misinformation concerns areas that should be addressed and corrected, which I feel compelled to honor for the sake of historical accuracy.In these types of politically correct truther films the one issue that cannot be escaped is the 'God' agenda.  Still falling under the disbelief that America was founded on the basis of Christianity several commentators espouse that we should be in devout prayer for the sins of the nation, falling on our knees asking for forgiveness, etc., etc.,.  One commentator even spouts that if we were still a Christian nation none of the current events would be happening.  Well, history proves that is not necessarily true.  Many so-called Christian nations have been in direct conflict with the people due to government intolerance of the god-given freedom of the people, i.e., freedom of speech.  England's monarchy, while proclaiming to be Christian, had some of the bloodiest and brutal conflicts with their subjects and neighbors in surviving written history; the hanging, drawing and quartering of the Scotsman and freedom fighter William Wallace comes to mind.  The barbarous Spanish Inquisition and the witch trials and burnings left a notorious scar on the Christian religion.  In many ways, Christianity was just as much a threat to free people as Paganism was in ancient times.Several times in the film commentators and Bowers alike use the oxymoron term Judeo-Christian.  Again, There is no such religion as Judeo-Christianity.Bowers also believes that America still has its sovereignty and that Americans still have their basic freedoms.  He couldn't be further from the truth with those statements.  Some documents state that America was never granted sovereignty from England, and if she did then it was lost in 1871 when America became a corporation.  And basically with the inception of the first Patriot Act Americans were robbed of their freedoms with the stroke of Bush Jr's pen yet 13 years later most Americans live under the illusion that they are free.  The film's academics still use the description "fossil fuels" to explain the world's energy resources, which we also now know is abjectly incorrect, yet one claims that it is our "obligation to speak the truth."  Well then, I wish that they would do so!Paraphrasing one of the soviet communists, it was said that, "an organized minority would always win over a disorganized majority."  Judaism nor Jewry as a religion or race was conveniently not mentioned but militant Islam was addressed on two occasions as being a supreme threat to America and the stability of the free world.Toward the film's end, New Zealand author and political activist Trevor Loudon, delivered a chilling prospect.  He said, "if America goes down militarily the free world will be finished for a very long time."Bowers stated that he chose to identify America's communist problem as and "agenda" instead of a conspiracy.  Clearly, with the information available in the public record (for now) the decision by Jewry the world over to destroy the Western free world was and still is an evil conspiracy of astronomic proportion that has only recently been revealed to be true.  If the world's Gentile population ever decides to collectively wake-up and accept these facts, then we have a monumental opportunity to change the course of our Jewish orchestrated demise - which is right around the corner.  Whitewraithe~Reposted from Pragmatic Witness