VICE 'journalists'- Journalists as Spooks: Same old, same old

Journalists as Spooks- Nothing new under the sun. Nothing!The VICE 'journalists' are spooks. As sure as so many other spook/journalists I have blogged on here. Marie Colvin comes to mind... There is another fellow whose name escapes me at the moment who was also mentioned here on more then one occasion. Pictures of him posing with the Libyan "rebels" who transferred to Syria....  Paul Conroy was his name!! (h/t Mr Mustard for assisting in recollecting)

THE CIA AND THE MEDIAHow Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It

Journalists = Spooks. Now let's get back to VICE/Spooks and their arrest in Turkey. Seems there were a number of reasons for their arrestsIBTIMES:An encryption system believed to be used by Isis was the reason behind the arrest of Vice journalists, officials claim

Three journalists who were arrested in Turkey earlier this week have been charged with "engaging in terrorist activity" related to Islamic State (Isis) after one of them used encryption software on his laptop computer, according to reports. The Iraqi fixer had been using an encryption system known to be used by members of IS

The Iraqi fixer? Wonder if that is a Kurdish Iraqi?

"The main issue seems to be that the fixer uses a complex encryption system on his personal computer that a lot of Isil militants also utilise for strategic communications"

Same encryption as ISIS... Obviously Turkey is concerned because how many threats and or fatwas have been issued by ISIS/L against Turkey? Well it's three so far!

 But whose counting, besides me?BBC

The two British journalists and their translator were detained on Thursday at their hotel, their lawyer told the BBC.He said they were initially accused of filming a military base nearby without permission. Then the material on their computers and cameras was investigated.The lawyer said the journalists were subject to questions of whether they were working on behalf of the IS or the Kurdish militant group PKK.

Filming a military base. Using complex encryption that been linked to ISIS. Hmmmm....Link

The two British journalists, Jake Hanrahan and Philip Pendlebury, and the local journalist, who serves as a translator and guide, were arrested Thursday at their hotel in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir.The men were initially accused of filming a military base without permission

Can foreigners enter the US or Canada and simply film at military bases without permission?So, filming military bases. Complex encryption used by ISIS and footage of PKK making bombs.Well, I suppose the bomb making was for peaceful purposes? Not! VICE Spooks? You betcha!

Turkish police records reveal new information about the footage in possession of three detained foreign journalists working for a UK media company

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey Police have found footage of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) members making bombs and Molotov cocktails from cameras of three foreign journalists who have been in detention since Friday on terrorism charges, police sources said Tuesday.

Why did I highlight Diyarbakir? If you read the post from last week- The NEO CON think tank American Enterprise Institute has declared that Diyarbakir will be the capital of Kurdistan

Is Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise Institute

  "It may take a decade, but it is time to begin the countdown to the partition of Turkey. The Kurds will have their state, and its capital will ultimately be Diyarbakir, not Erbil."

As I've repeatedly claimed. I am not coincidence theorist. The spook/journalists were in that locale for a specific reason. 

Two Vice News journalists arrested in Turkey

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