A Very Shocking Video: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Reveals A Bitter Truth - There Are NO Gold Bullion Reserves In America!

For the last few years, I have been stating a very shocking truth here at this blog again and again... America has absolutely NO Gold Bullion reserves at all, period.... Few people have ever believed it, and many have still been promoting the lie that there is plenty of Gold "reserves" in both Fort Knox, Kentucky, and in the New York Mercantile Bank in New York City..... I have put up previous articles that state the fact on the contrary that all of the Gold in the United States was taken away from that nation decades ago.But now comes a very interesting and very important video, that was forwarded to me recently via email,  where Dr. Paul Craig Roberts comes out back in January of this year, and states what I have been stating for years is absolute fact... There are NO Gold Bullion reserves in America at all!    I first want to present this important video right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: I have been stating for years that there is absolutely ZERO Gold bullion reserves in America.  The Gold bullion that the US should have in both New York and at Fort Knox was stolen and taken out of the United States decades ago.....The fact is that the Gold Reserves at Fort Knox Kentucky have not been audited since 1948.... And even at that time the auditors where shown only one small room at Fort Knox that had just a small pile of "Gold" in it....The fact is also that the United States absolutely cannot provide the Gold that other nations have begun to recall from "storage" in America because the US stole that Gold as well and that Gold has also been sent overseas...The question everyone should be asking is "Where is all the Gold?"... I have stated for a long time that the Gold Bullion is right now sitting in large Rothschild controlled vaults, most probably in Europe.  That Gold has been hoarded by these ultra-criminals for the day when they implode all the world's economies and state to the world that they will "fix" the economies by forcing the entire world onto a "Gold based" currency... When they do that, these ultra-criminals will have achieved their long wanted world dominion because THEY will have all the Gold!The lack of Gold bullion to prop up the US dollar is also the reason for the present push for war to keep the ponzi "Petro-dollar" scam going... Once the "Petro-dollar" scam collapses, the US dollar will be based on nothing due to the lack of true Gold bullion reserves in America... At that point the collapse of the US economy and the United States itself will indeed be at hand...Just another wake up call for all of America...More to comeNTS