Very Important Health News: Disturbing Report By Researchers Finally Confirms That Cancer Is A Purely Man-Made Disease!

I have been in periodic pitched battles with some trolls that have come in and tried to spew their lies and false rhetoric every time I post an article showing the TRUTH about Cancer and how the entire "disease" is absolutely nothing of the sort.... It seems that some persons who absolutely does not want people to find out that they have all been lied to about Cancer, and that the "treatments" are absolutely  the worse therapy possible for anyone who gets this "disease", have been trying their utmost to shut me down and shut me up about Cancer itself..... But again, I will not publish their garbage and their threats, and instead will continue to show everyone the truths about Cancer if and when important articles become available...And it appears that I have found a real bombshell of a report, and I want to share it right here for my own readers to see for themselves... This article comes from the Natural Blaze website, at, and is entitled: "Disturbing: Researchers Finally Confirm That Cancer Is A Purely Man-Made Disease".... I have the link to that article right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do suggest that everyone take the time to read it carefully and take a look at the videos at the end of the article... It is worth your while....And again as I always do, I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: WHY am I not shocked at all by this report?I have stated in so many articles before that Cancer is absolutely NOT a disease, but is the direct result of our meddling around with our environment and especially the very foods that we consume...Cancer is in fact our own bodies "self defence" mechanism in action, where as our very cells are living organisms, and when threatened with their destruction they will do what is necessary to survive...It is a fact that our modern way of life has promoted foods that are in the Acidic range of pH level.... Our bodies metabolize using Oxygen and the ideal pH value for proper oxygenation is when our bodies are in the Alkaline range, meaning just above neutral 7.0 in the pH ("per Hydrogen") range.....Cells metabolize and absorb Oxygen poorly when the body is acidic or below the 7.0 pH neutral range.... Cells will in fact begin to die off in an acidic environment due to lack of Oxygen absorption... But because they are indeed living organisms and the instinct to survive is in all living creatures, some will try to survive by switching off their Oxygen metabolism and switch to a form of "fermentation" as their survival mechanism.... When that switch occurs in our bodies, these cells turn into "Cancer".....Yes, apparently the real method of Cancer "prevention" is to stay away from foods that cause acidification of our bodies and stay on a healthy high Alkaloid diet.....Sadly, we are constantly subjected to a growing range of food products, especially processed foods, that very much turn our bodies acidic...And again, as I have stated constantly... We have been inundated with so much brainwashing that has convinced so many people that if they get Cancer that it is a death knell, AND that if you get this 'disease' the only method of getting rid of it is to succumb to the outrageously expensive, poisonous, and deadly "treatments" that the quacks in our Medical Industry have stupidly been prescribing for decades..... And in fact, these "treatments" are WORSE than this "disease" and they definitely will kill you.....The facts are that real cures for Cancer are readily available and again, if you do come down with this "disease", do NOT panic and do your own research into actually curing rather than "treating" this "disease"......So once again, the facts come out that Cancer is NOT a "natural" disease, and was unheard of in our ancestors.....Again, our modern society and lifestyle seems to be the blame for the alarming increase in Cancer patients world wide.......More to comeNTS