Vermont School Nurse Refuses to Give Child Cannabis Oil for Seizures

Aurora Husk has suffered from seizures, up to 40 times a day, since she was a mere 8 weeks old. Her mother discovered CBD oil (made from hemp, not cannabis) and used it effectively to treat her daughter, until a school nurse in Bristol, Vermont refused to treat Aurora with CBD or keep it in her office.
Aurora’s mother gives her the CBD oil three times a day to keep her seizures at bay long enough and consistently enough so that she can even attend school, and despite Vermont’s Attorney General, Bill Sorrell, claiming that CBD oil can be very effective for treating many illnesses, the school nurse still refused to administer it to Aurora two of the three times it was needed. The school has made it taboo to even have the oil on school grounds.
The school claims that hemp is not allowed by federal law, and since their school receives funding from the federal government, they are not comfortable administering it to children, even though hemp has absolutely no hallucinogenic properties, especially in CBD oil.
Karen Richards, executive director of the Vermont Human Rights Commission explained:

“It is not a legal substance under federal law . . . We have the same issues with medical marijuana. You may have it in the state, but you’re still in violation technically of federal law.”

Due to the school’s extreme conservatism regarding hemp and cannabis, Aurora’s mother has to drive to the school twice daily to administer the CBD oil to her daughter.
What would you do if your child had a serious form of epilepsy that was resistant to treatment by conventional methods? If a form of liquid cannabis was available that had proven results for reducing your child’s debilitating and painful seizures by 53%wouldn’t you obtain that medicine by whatever means possible like so many other parents have done?
We need to legalize cannabis and get the feds out of this ‘issue.’
You can learn more about CBD oil, here.