Vacation Alert

I am taking a much needed vacation for the next 12 days starting tomorrow....I will NOT be posting anything, including my weekly "rants" during that time frame...This vacation has been long in planning, and my better half has demanded that I do NOT blog during that time, just to give my body and my mind some much needed rest and relaxation....During my absence, you can take a close look at the outstanding work put out by my friends and colleagues, that I call 'The best bloggers that I know"... They are of course listed along with other fine bloggers in the left hand column of this blog...There has been a lot of material that I have not properly covered during the last few weeks, that many have asked for my opinion or a sample of my thoughts.... I figure in closing, I would quickly give my personal opinion and thoughts about a few...- The Chattanooga shooting is a lie and a fraud.   When you find the criminal Jewish SITE group, and that scumbag Pamela Gellar involved, it ALWAYS points towards these shootings as being set ups...- The Iranian nuclear "deal" is not much of a deal at all, when you consider that Iran never had or was ever building nuclear weapons in the first place.... And to top it all off, the 'deal' is not set in stone yet as the scumbag Jews that control America are now working overtime trying to scuttle the deal before it gets into place..- Israel is always causing trouble.. No change there.... And their Prime Minister, Benyamin Miliewkosky (Netanyahu) is just as insane as ever. - ISIS is still a fraud.  NO changes here at all, and until people wake the hell up, this fraud will continue to exist.... You really do have to love the BS "beheadings" though and how they are still selling that crap to gullible people....- Jewish criminal banksters are still making our economies miserable and causing more nations to be teetering on economic turmoil.   The question becomes when people will have had enough of their criminal activity and tell them to take their debt and stick it where the sun does not shine?- Jade Helm is on right now, and I look at it more as a "conditioning" program to prepare the American public to accept the military in their own backyards for the time when the government finally brings martial law to America...- The liars behind Global Warming will continue with their scam because honestly, they are stuck with their own lies and are too brain dead now to admit defeat....Well, hopefully that covers a few points... I will be back in a few weeks after some much needed rest and a chance to unwind...  See you all soon....More to comeNTS