U(S)N(ATO) Discusses Deploying Western Troops In Eastern Ukraine

February 24, 2015
UN discusses possibility of peacekeepers deployment in Ukraine

KYIV: Discussion on the possibility of a peacekeeping mission in Ukraine took place at the UN headquarters at night, on February 24, according to Ukrainian news broadcaster TSN.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said about Ukraine’s intention to invite the peacekeeping mission to Donbass during the Security Council’s open debates. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the foreign ministers participated in these debates. From today, the UN will seek ways to implement Kyiv’s peace initiatives. In addition, Klimkin said about Russian aggression during the debates. If Moscow is making no effort to stop the pro-Russian rebels in Donbas, Kyiv will look for all possible ways to stop the violence.
The Ukrainian Foreign Minister met with the UN Secretary General, with whom he discussed the possible ways of establishment of the UN peacekeeping mission. It will not be an ordinary peacekeeping mission, as in this case, Ukraine will lose the right to determine the composition and powers of the contingent. Ukraine intends to appeal to its partners from the European Union for the formation of this mission. Proposal for approval of the mission will be submitted to the Security Council. Russia has already made a statement in which it condemns the idea of a peacekeeping mission. But if Moscow will try to oppose this in the Security Council, the proposal will be submitted to the General Assembly.
Immediately after the debates Klimkin flew to Paris for a meeting of the foreign ministers of the “Normandy Four.”
