US SENATE needs to fill Ginsburg SUPREME COURT seat ASAP, else all is lost

US SENATE needs to fill Ginsberg SUPREME COURT seat ASAP, else all is lost by The Duran

US SENATE needs to fill Ginsberg SUPREME COURT seat ASAP, else all is lost The Duran: Episode 675. Via IBT (…)… US President Donald Trump on Saturday said he would nominate a woman to succeed late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Via IBT (…
US President Donald Trump on Saturday said he would nominate a woman to succeed late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The president’s desire to “to move quickly” on the process, despite Democrats’ vehement opposition, is likely to dominate the campaigns — alongside other hot-button issues such as the coronavirus and America’s ongoing racial reckoning — ahead of the November 3 election.
“I think it’s going to move quickly actually,” Trump told reporters outside the White House Saturday, adding that he thought his choice would be made “next week.”
Addressing a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina later that day, he took an impromptu poll from the crowd, asking them to cheer for either a woman or a man to be his pick. The crowd cheered considerably louder for the former.
