U.S. Provoked Ukraine Crisis In Revenge For Syria: Russian MP

Voice of Russia
December 12, 2013
US attempts to influence situation in Ukraine are desire to take revenge for defeat in Syria – Pushkov
The US attempts to influence the situation in Ukraine are a desire to take revenge for the defeat in Syria. This is the opinion of head of the State Duma Committee for International Affairs Alexei Pushkov stated today in a conversation with a Russian news agency.
“This hysterical reaction of the West to the fact that Ukraine refused to sign the association agreement with the EU, these political troops, which were landed there, the arrival of the Americans (although the European association is not their business) – all these immediately shows, who was behind this idea: the wires are in the hands of the United States,” the MP said. “The nerves of the State Department have snapped, it was staying away, but it has no more strength left: we can’t endure it any more – we are going to you with pies.” In his opinion, “it is not a demonstration of strength of the EU and USA, but of their weakness”.
Pushkov is convinced that after the defeat of the USA in Syria, after all these failures in the foreign policy, Washington has a great desire to “take revenge in Ukraine”, to show that the West has the initiative, that the West is still the force that determines the course of events in global affairs. “Ukraine has become the arena, which determines whether the West is losing the initiative or not,” he stressed.
Moreover, according to Pushkov, interference of the West in the events in Ukraine suggests that the country is treated as a semi-colony.
“There is not just a blatant interference of Western countries in Ukraine, but it is what I’d call a political aggression.” he believes. “It’s one thing when you come to the square, where protesters are putting forward claims to the authorities in accordance with their constitutional right. But to actually take part in these protests, call for struggle, show one’s support, demand the President’s resignation and early elections together with the protesters – it is not a function of a representative of the US Department of State or Foreign Ministers of European countries.” “It’s nothing short of a new form of political aggression,” the MP stressed.
“Representatives of the EU and the USA are directly involved in the political struggle in Ukraine. What is going on?”
Pushkov proposed to imagine that “a representative of the Russian Federation comes, for example, to the town of Occupy Wall Street and delivers an inspiring speech at a rally there, or puts forward a slogan urging the resignation of Barack Obama. How would the United States react to that?”
According to him, “this is a very bad signal.” “This shows that European countries and the United States continue to treat such states as Ukraine as semi colonies; they believe that they can go there, give orders and instructions to the leaders of the country, demand something from them,” he said. “What is it? Are they establishing a new colonial regime?”. “I understand that they wanted to do it in Russia, but they could not do it here, so they all rushed to Ukraine,” Pushkov noted. “But I don’t think this is a promising direction. It seems to me that this has been already noticed in Ukraine, too.”
According to Pushkov, “a group of people, which stays on the Maidan, is the obvious minority: they lack a common leader.” “Klitschko, Yatsenyuk and Tyahnybok are like a swan, a crawfish and a pike, which pulled in different directions,” – he believes. “They dream of Tymoshenko not to be released from prison, because then their true scale will be clear.”
Calls for revolution in Ukraine ruin national security foundation – Russian MP
The chairperson of the State Duma Security and Counter-Corruption Committee, Irina Yarovaya, believes that the situation in Ukraine is following a dangerous scenario because calls have been voiced in favor of a revolution and violent measures.
“National security is made up of multiple factors, the most important of which is the commitment to rule of law and sovereignty. That is why any calls in favor of a revolution and violent actions, especially if they are fueled by outside forces, are invariably dangerous both for Ukraine and its citizens,” Yarovaya told reporters on Tuesday.
All of these acts ruin the foundation for the country’s national security, she said.
The State Duma, the lower chamber of Russia’s parliament, plans to adopt a statement addressing the present situation in Ukraine at its session on Tuesday evening.
All of the Duma factions voiced their support for this document at the chamber’s morning session.
In this statement, Russian parliamentarians call on the sides in Ukraine’s standoff to tackle all of their differences in accordance with the constitution and national legislation and refrain from taking any unlawful measures.
Voice of Russia, TASS
