US President Trump: “We’ll see” whether US attacks North Korea (Video)

President Trump gave a brief statement to media outside St. John’s Episcopal Church on Sunday after North Korea’s latest bomb test.
When asked by reporters if he was planning to attack North Korea after the latest weapons test in which the North Korean regime claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, US President Donald Trump simply stated, “We’ll see”.
Via The Gateway Pundit

Trump had just finished speaking with a priest outside St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House Sunday morning where he attended a service for the National Day of Prayer for those affected by Hurricane Harvey when he was asked about North Korea.
The reporter, John T Bennett with CQ Roll Call said, “Mr. President, will you attack North Korea. With First Lady Melania standing with him, Trump nodded his head, said, “We’ll see. Thank you”, gave a wave of his right hand and walked to the waiting motorcade without saying anything further.


WATCH: Reporter: “Mr. President, will you attack North Korea?”
President Trump: “We’ll see.”
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 3, 2017

Asked if he would attack North Korea following its apparent nuclear test, Pres. Trump says, “We’ll see.”
— ABC News (@ABC) September 3, 2017

President Trump departing St. John’s. Pool asked if he would attack North Korea. He replied “we’ll see.”
— Tammy Thueringer (@TammyThueringer) September 3, 2017

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