US nuclear weapons in Europe are a truly bad idea

On May 15, the U.S. Ambassador in Warsaw, Georgette Mosbacher, suggested relocating U.S. nuclear weapons based in Germany to Poland. One hopes this was just a mistake by a political appointee unfamiliar with NATO nuclear weapons issues, not a reflection of official U.S. government thinking. Moving nuclear weapons to Poland would prove very problematic.
The U.S. Air Force maintains 20 B61 nuclear gravity bombs at Buchel Air Base in Germany (as well as B61 bombs on the territory of four other NATO members).
On May 14, U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell wrote an op-ed expressing concern about not “eroding the solidarity that undergirds NATO’s nuclear deterrent” and calling for the SPD to affirm Germany’s commitment to nuclear sharing. The next day, Ambassador Mosbacher entered the fray, with a tweet suggesting that U.S. nuclear weapons could be relocated to and housed in Poland.
A nuclear free world is our vision and dream. The ban treaty creates new opportunities for the peace movement to discuss.
Placing nuclear weapons in Poland would be hugely provocative to Russia.
NATO’s expansion is against international security. This continued expansion has contributed to international tension as Russia sees itself increasingly surrounded by US and NATO bases.
The members of the alliance stated in 1997 that “they have no intention, no plan, and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new [NATO] members.” They incorporated that into the “Founding Act” that established relations between NATO and Russia.
The security circumstances in Europe have changed dramatically and, unfortunately, for the worse over the past 23 years.
As the world becomes more dangerous by the day, the need for actions for peace has never been more vital. With the rise of militarism, the need for a global justice, sustainability and peace – has never been more vital for people.
What should be done for the new politics of common security in the 21st century? More questions than answer.
We must prevent Nuclear War. Sign this petition and help to make Europe free from the American threat!
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