U.S. Drone Intercepted Over Crimean Air Space

Voice of Russia
March 14, 2014
US drone intercepted in Crimean airspace – Russia’s state corporation
An American scout-attack drone was intercepted in the Crimean sky, the Rostec state corporation reports. “Judging by side marking, the MQ-5B drone was part of the 66th US brigade of military intelligence with the main location in Bavaria,” the report on the website of the corporation reads.
According to the report, at the beginning of March, the American brigade was relocated to the Ukrainian Kirovohrad, from where drones commit reconnaissance raids in the direction of Crimea and Russian border areas.
Earlier, they reportedly appeared in the Kherson region, in the area of the Crimean roadblock Chongar. “According to some data, the American reconnaissance brigade had 18 MQ-5B drones in its arsenal. This is the second time the American UAV is intercepted over Crimea,” the report says.
“The drone was at the height of about 4 thousand meters and was practically invisible from the earth. It was possible to break the drone’s link with its American operators with the help of the EW (electronic warfare) complex Avtobaza. As a result, the device made an emergency landing and passed into the possession of the self-defense forces almost unbroken,” the report says.
Voice of Russia, Interfax
Fars News Agency
March 11, 2014
Two US Drones Allegedly Shot Down in Crimea
TEHRAN: A US unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has allegedly been shot down over Crimea.
The drone was allegedly surveilling Crimean troop positions over the Turetsky Val block-post, the Novosti Kryma (News of Crimea) online newspaper reported.
The unsanctioned aircraft had been spotted by Crimean self-defense forces and Berkut policemen.
Another, heavier drone, a two-engine one, has been allegedly shot down and fell outside the block-post’s area.
Each drone costs around $4 million.
