US Considers Air Support to "Afrin" Kurds aka Khorasan- Goading Turkey & False Flag Alert

Remember the dreaded terror group: Khorasan?  I’ll remind the readers of the air strikes the US undertook to ‘target’ Khorosan. Conveniently located in north western Syria at the Turkish border.  I had my suspicions way back about “Khorosan” First up! Pentagon US Willing to Consider Air Support for Afrin Kurds in N Syria

The US military will look into the possibility of supporting from the air the Afrin Kurds’ advances in northern Syria against Daesh, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. Steve Warren told reporters on Wednesday.

pic from Sputnik

"Right now our airpower is focused on vetted Syrian opposition and some with moderate Syrian opposition," Warren said in a briefing.

"We have not yet taken strikes in support of this group of Afrin Kurds, but it is certainly something to consider."

Col Warren is intentionally misleading on at least two counts: 1st: Claiming air power is focused on “vetted Syrian opposition” as if the Kurds are not vetted Syrian opposition.-The Kurds (YPG/PKK)  have provided the US with targeting information for airstrikes  previously. Targeting that interestingly resulted in civilian casualties- Arab civilian casualties, of course- We will briefly revisit that!Recall? Is the US Complicit in Ethnic Cleansing in Syria? Yes, Obviously!

Yes the US is complicit in the ethnic cleansing going on right now in Syria. I of course wouldn’t limit it to just this one incident.  In order to be complicit, choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others; having complicity, the US needs partner in crime. This specific incident was covered here at the blog, May 03/2015: US Led Airstrikes Kill 52 Syrian Civilians, 7 children inc. Completely missing ISISHere is a snip of my commentary at that time, based on the numerous reports I had read.
“Kurdish spokesperson, associated with YPG, knows of no civilian casualties. Or doesn't wish to acknowledge them? If the village was emptied of civilians prior to the strike, as the Kurdish spokesperson claims, what was this large group of civilians including children still doing there?My question is this. Was this large group of persons the intended target of the airstrikes? Because that's the only conclusion I can draw from all these reports”

Which they have in their allied Kurdish groups.

 An activist, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity for his safety, told McClatchy last week that he suspected that members of the local Kurdish militia known as the People’s Protection Units, or YPG in the Kurdish language, which had worked closely with the United States during the fight for Kobani, had intentionally called in the strike to drive away Arab residents.

 Recall? The "Heroic" Kurds- Call for Airstrikes and Claim ISIS Used Chlorine Gas You can reread those two posts including external links. US airstrikes, called in by YPG, resulting in Arab ethnic cleansing- There might be other posts, but these two  demonstrate previous US/Kurdish cooperation on airstrikes2nd problem:  In my opinion he is lying about not supporting the so called Afrin Kurds previously. Are we to believe that the “Afrin Kurds” are somehow different then the Kurdish forces to the east? If we believed that we would be fools.  Is this the first time airstrikes have been undertaken in support of Kurds in the north west of Syria? This is NOT the first time. The US did strike that area of Syria on two occasions those incidents have been covered here, in support of the Kurds, but obfuscated their strikes claiming they were targeting Khorosan. Recall? Khorosan airstrikes conveniently located...1-US Strikes Khorasan, again, in Syria

“Where is this Khorasan story line going to take us? To Iran? Lebanon? Or into Turkey?Options. So many options.....  The US military says it has carried out air strikes against the al-Qaeda-linked Khorasan group in north-western Syria.

The US hit five targets related to the group, including several vehicles and buildings, near the border with Turkey.

2- Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis the Impending Destabilization of Turkey

“Recall that latest attack on Khorasan? Where did it take place? Were you paying attention? 

See where Afrin is? Right at the border with Turkey. That is roughly where the US struck”“US strikes Khorosan in Syria near the town of Samarda. Samarda appears to be very near Afrin, going in a southern direction Is the US softening targets in advance of a PKK onslaught?”

Two maps from the 2nd relinked post:


3- Kurdish Militia aims to connect Kurdish Cantons

Kobani [Ayn al-Arab] and Afrin. For these cities to be connected and for there to be no problem in transportation between these cities, Azaz and Jarablus must be liberated, too.” Remember these names- Tel Abyad - Azaz - Jarablus

Gee haven't those names been in the news as of late!

Finally: Keep in mind the US is goading/baiting Turkey!!!

One last interesting piece of news that has false flag potential

Exclusive: Radioactive material stolen in Iraq raises security concernsWed Feb 17, 2016 4:53pm ESTRadioactive material stolen last year in November, so 4 months ago, making the rounds now?Why?

Iraq is searching for "highly dangerous" radioactive material whose theft last year has raised fears among Iraqi officials that it could be used as a weapon if acquired by Islamic State.

Baghdad reported the stolen material to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in November but has not requested assistance to recover it, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday.

 The material, stored in a protective case the size of a laptop computer, went missing from a storage facility near the southern city of Basra belonging to U.S. oilfield services company Weatherford WFT.N, an environment ministry document seen by Reuters showed and security, environmental and provincial officials confirmed.

Oops just one more final news item- As Turkey keeps on being destabilizedBombing in Ankara- Targeting military officers- Very reminiscent of the destabilization of  Syria 

At least 28 people have been killed and 61 injured in a car bomb explosion targeting the Turkish military in the capital Ankara, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus says.A vehicle laden with explosives reportedly targeted a convoy of buses carrying military personnel that were stopped at traffic lights, the army said.Mr Kurtulmus said it was clear the attack was well planned and vowed to "shed all light" on the bombing.Video: CCTV vision of deadly Ankara blastJustice Minister Bekir Bozdag said the attack was an act of terrorism and told parliament, which was in session when the blast occurred, that the car had exploded on a part of the street lined on both sides by military vehicles.