The US backed SDF takes Large Portion of Syrian Oilfields from US backed ISIS

Unless you've been asleep & have been reading any where else but here you would be unaware that this is a repeating pattern. The Kurds, on too many occasions to recount, have seen ISIS completely melt away, or the Kurds simply give ISIS a free pass at just the most opportune time. The ISIS walk away always allows the Kurds to take territory and resources- Water as just one example- Tabqa dam: Kurds Allow ISIS to Leave Tabqa & "Live to Fight Another Day"  Oil, most recently. The taking of the oil fields of Deir ez Zor - sees the same pattern, the one that has played out for years now, repeat itself yet again.Yesterday it was reported that the oil fields were aflame.Yes, it’s SOHR- But I have no doubt that “ISIS” would take undertake this type of action.Image accompanying SOHR articleThe smoke would hide nearly all that was taking place on the ground, conveniently

“SOHR hasn’t received information so far whether this fire is caused by burning the oil fields by the organization or burning holes filled with oil to confuse the warplanes and surveillance aircraft.  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published on the 19th of September 2017 that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights learned that the flames have been raging for more than three hours in the largest gas field in Syria, the Koniko gas field, of which the regime forces are about 5 km away, the Syria Democratic Forces are about 13 km away”

 According to SOHR, SDF was 13 kms away and yet through all this smoke and fire they were able to “take the fields” from ISIS. From a distance more then double that of Syrian army? Through all the fire and smoke? Well, they are the best and fiercest and most blah, blah, blah fighters...Reuters

U.S.-backed forces on Saturday seized a major natural gas field in Syria’s Deir al-Zor province from Islamic State militants

US-backed SDF says it took Syria's largest gas field from IS

U.S.-backed Syrian fighters captured Saturday the country's largest gas field from the Islamic State group in an eastern province that borders Iraq as they race with government forces to capture the energy-rich region, a senior official with the group said.Another SDF spokesman, Brig. Gen. Talal Sillo, said the fighting in the area left 65 IS fighters dead while more than 100 gunmen surrendered.

Of course I don’t believe Gen Talal Sillo, what so ever. It’s most likely no ISIS fighters are dead. Though they may have some oil field workers/random poor sod bodies to drag around and claim they are ISIS- and no one surrendered from the US backed ISIS to the US backed Kurdish militias either.

Sillo said that SDF fighters marched toward the field from the nearby village of Khsham under the cover of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition.

Like I said they’ll have some bodies to drag around as props.Sputnik:

At the moment, nearly 80 percent of oil resources in Deir ez-Zor are under IS [Daesh] control. As regards gas deposits, almost all of them are still under control of terrorists. All the plants and gas fields, which I refer to, are located on the other side of the Euphrates [the northern part of Deir ez-Zor] — this is Conoco, Omar, Jafra, Al-Isba and Tanak, and most gas processing plants are also located there."The representative noted that the infrastructure of gas fields had been significantly damaged."According to our data, the terrorists have completely destroyed the infrastructure in the Omar and Tanak gas fields, a part of the facilities in Conoco have been destroyed as well…  Reconstruction of gas fields' infrastructure is possible, but the damages may be assessed only when we are able to visit this places and hold careful examination," Hamid said.

  Flashback to 2014- When I first wrote about the symbiosis between the Kurds and ISIS