US Army soldier injured in Omar Khadr firefight BLASTS Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau (Video)

Yesterday The Duran reported on the Omar Khadr settlement case, and subsequent apology, that plagues Trudeau’s administration.
Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is facing very strong backlash over his governments’ decision to pay over $10.5 million ($8 million USD) to Omar Khadr, and then offer an apology to the former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, who killed US Army Sgt Christopher Speer in 2002.

Khadr was captured at the age of 15, and spent a decade in a Guantanamo prison. Khadr was eventually repatriated in 2012 after agreeing to a plea deal to leave Guantanamo and serve his remaining eight year sentence in Canada.
Khadr claimed his confessions to US officials were made under duress and torture. In 2010, Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that Khadr was interrogated under “oppressive circumstances.”
Trudeau’s decision to give C$10.5m ($8m; £6m) to the former Guantanamo Bay prisoner has proved divisive, even in his own party.
A lawsuit from US Army Sgt Christopher Speer’s widow, Tabitha Speer, is keeping the Khadr case in the spotlight.
In 2015, a Utah judge awarded Tabitha Speer $134m in a wrongful-death suit. Payment is pending an Ontario court decision on whether the lawsuit is enforceable.

Sgt. Layne Morris was also injured during the firefight that killed US Army Sgt Christopher Speer, and speaks out on the massive $8 million payday to Taliban soldier by Canada’s Trudeau government.
The blinded American soldier asked what kind of “sick, twisted ivory tower” does Canadian PM Trudeau live in?
After hearing Sgt. Layne Morris’s retelling of the Khadr attack that resulted in his injury and Speer’s death, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson replied…

“How bitter this must be for you. Really. In addition to all of that, to watch the man who did it become rich and apparently unrepentant. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry for you.”

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