U.S., at 2,000,000 Coronavirus Cases, is Now 29% of World’s Total

Eric Zuesse
The United States now has two million cases of coronavirus-19, and this is 28.55% of the global total.
On May 2nd, when America’s percentage peaked, it was 33.3% — one-third of the global total. So, even if the coronavirus spotlight is now being taken off America, that’s because, relatively speaking, the situation is getting worse globally. On June 5th, Reuters reported that “The epicentre of the pandemic is currently in countries of Central, South and North America.”
Back on February 1st, a racist website had speculated that
The Corona virus is a virus that, for whatever reason, East Asians are susceptible to but other races are not, just like SARS. None of our people are going to succumb to this condition. The MSM’s constant hyping is just a way of making people panic, because people are more susceptible to being indoctrinated when they panic. By not reporting the race of those who have caught this disease in Europe, unnecessary panic is being fomented among Europeans.
We’re all the same species, and a virus that affects people in some countries will affect people in all countries; and the differences in how much the people in each country will be affected will depend vastly more on that country’s culture, and traditions, and government, and location, than on its people’s “race” (whatever that is). Racism is plain stupid, not merely evil.
The 25 countries that (out of all 215 countries listed) have the highest percentage of their people (in cases per million of population) who are or have been determined to be suffering from this disease are, in order:
1. Qatar, 23,932
2. San Marino, 20,044
3. Vatican City, 14,981
4. Andorra, 11,028
5. Bahrain, 8,478
6. Mayotte, 7,635
7. Kuwait, 7,298
8. Chile, 6,687
9. Luxembourg, 6,454
10. Singapore, 6,418
11. Spain, 6,168
12. USA, 5,990
13. Peru, 5,822
14. Iceland, 5,295
15. Gibraltar, 5,194
16. Ireland, 5,104
17. Belgium, 5,098
18. Belarus, 5,053
19. Sweden, 4,347
20. Djibouti, 4,224
21. UK, 4,198
22. Armenia, 4,173
23. Isle of Man, 3,953
24. Italy, 3,883
25. UAE, 3,873
The lowest-percentage countries (sufferers per million) are:
1. Papua, 0.9
2. Lesotho, 2
3. Laos, 3
4. Angola, 3
5. Vietnam, 3
6. Myanmar, 4
7. Burundi, 5
8. Cambodia, 7
9. Syria, 7
10. Tanzania, 9
11. Eritrea, 11
12. Namibia, 11
13. Gambia, 11
14. Uganda, 13
15. Mozambique, 13
16. Western Sahara, 15
17. Yemen, 16
18. Botswana, 17
19. Zimbabwe, 18
20. Timor Este, 18
21. Taiwan, 19
22. Fiji, 20
23. Malawi, 21
24. Benin, 22
25. Rwanda, 33
The 12 highest deaths-per-million are:
1. San Marino, 1,238
2. Belgium, 827
3. Andorra, 660
4. UK, 596
5. Spain, 580
6. Italy, 560
7. Sweden, 461
8. France, 447
9. Netherlands, 351
10. St. Martin, 350
11. Ireland, 340
12. USA, 339
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
The post U.S., at 2,000,000 Coronavirus Cases, is Now 29% of World’s Total appeared first on The Duran.
