URGENT - Thailand: Regime & Western Backers Claim "Insurrection" - Penalty, Death

December 3, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - Anti-regime protesters, outnumbering police at two locations in Bangkok, Police Head Quarters and Government House, are poised to take over and occupy both locations peacefully as they have other government sites throughout the city. However, the regime has dropped leaflets over the protesters claiming that the anti-regime protests constitute "insurrection" (which carries a maximum penalty of death), that the leaders are to be arrested, and protesters are to return home.In support of the regime, dishonest reporting by news agencies such as the BBC have titled articles such as, "Thailand rally leader tells protesters to target police," to give the impression that the police themselves are to be targeted and subjected to the same "violence" seen during a clash between students (not protesters) on the other side of the city where a pro-regime rally was being held, and regime gunmen opened fire on students killing at least 4. The actual report however, states:

The leader of Thailand's anti-government movement has announced new targets for his supporters as protests appear set to continue. 

Suthep Thaugsuban called for demonstrators to take over the police headquarters in Bangkok in a defiant speech late on Monday. 

It came after clashes broke out as protesters tried to storm the prime minister's office.The Thai prime minister has rejected protesters' demands that she step down. 

Yingluck Shinawatra said she was open to negotiations but that calls for the government to be replaced by an appointed council was illegal and unconstitutional.

No where in the article does BBC ever substantiate the claim it made in its title, unless by "targeting police" it meant, peacefully taking over the Police HQ building.Current Thai Regime is NOT Democratically ElectedFurthermore - the BBC along with other foreign news agencies continue to portray the current regime as "democratically elected" and the anti-regime protests as attempting to "overthrow an elected government."In reality, the country is openly run by US-backed convicted criminal, fugitive, and mass murderer, Thaksin Shinawatra, brother of current prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra (his sister), in a breathtaking display of banana republic-nepotism. Thaksin Shinawatra is not even located in Thailand, but rather spends his time divided between Dubai, Hong Kong, and Cambodia, where the current ruling regime flies out to meet him for meetings (here, here, and here). The New York Times even admits, in its article, "In Thailand, Power Comes With Help From Skype," that Thaksin Shinawatra, not the current "prime minister" Yingluck, his sister, runs the country from abroad via Skype phone calls (emphasis added):

Millions of people across the globe have cut the tethers to their offices, working remotely from home, airport lounges or just about anywhere they can get an Internet connection. But the political party governing Thailand has taken telecommuting into an altogether different realm. 

For the past year and a half, by the party’s own admission, the most important political decisions in this country of 65 million people have been made from abroad, by a former prime minister who has been in self-imposed exile since 2008 to escape corruption charges.

Yingluck Shinawatra is clearly not the "elected leader" of anything and is merely the placeholder for her brother who, defacto, ran for office from abroad in 2011, and currently rules the country via mobile meetings and Skype calls. The campaign slogan in 2011 literally was, "Thaksin thinks, Puea Thai (his political party) does," indicating that his sister Yingluck, like her two predecessors, Somchai Wongsawat (Thaksin's brother-in-law), and  Samak Sundaravej (who literally declared he was Thaksin's proxy to TIME), is merely filling a superficial role.This overt display of illegitimacy is not currently being disclosed to the public by the Western media as anti-regime protesters struggle to oust this illegitimate, cartoonishly criminal regime from power.Image: As mentioned in a myriad of foreign media publications, Thaksin's proxy party ran with the slogan, "Thaksin thinks, Peua Thai does." As Peua Thai faces charges that a convicted criminal was directly involved in their election campaign, many of the exhibits used against them in court will be of their own design and impossible to deny.....The campaign slogan in 2011 literally was, "Thaksin thinks, Puea Thai (his political party) does," indicating that his sister Yingluck, like her two predecessors, Somchai Wongsawat (Thaksin's brother-in-law), and  Samak Sundaravej (who literally declared he was Thaksin's proxy to TIME), is merely filling a superficial role.Of course, this violates all semblances of a legitimate government. That Reuters itself admits Thaksin Shinawatra's supporters are mainly impoverished rice farmers drawn exclusively from Thailand's northeastern provinces, indicates a corrupt political machine that has attached itself parasitically to a manipulated voting bloc. That these voters continue to vote in a convicted criminal (Thaksin) who is ineligible to run for office, exposes the current regime as illegitimate and calls into question both the motives of Western news agencies who continue to call the government "democratically elected," and the qualifications of the electorate itself. As unrest continues, it is essential that observers understand the true context within which anti-regime protesters are fighting, and what is at stake for a country whose future may end up left in the hands of a convicted criminal and his extensive Western sponsors.Meanwhile, Thaksin Shinawatra's paid lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam, recently gave an interview to Australia's ABC stating that the current battle is between his client Thaksin, and Thailand's revered monarchy, admitting what many knew all along, that Thaksin Shinawatra and his Peua Thai government plan to subvert and ultimately replace Thailand's ancient institution with a dictatorship in the service of the foreign powers that have sponsored it.  
